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[英]Waiting on a list of Future


List<Future<O>> futures = getFutures();

現在我想等到所有期貨都成功處理完畢,或者任何由未來返回輸出的任務引發異常。 即使一個任務拋出異常,等待其他未來也沒有意義。


wait() {

   For(Future f : futures) {
     try {
     } catch(Exception e) {
       //TODO catch specific exception
       // this future threw exception , means somone could not do its task

但是這里的問題是,例如,如果第 4 個 future 拋出異常,那么我將不必要地等待前 3 個 future 可用。

如何解決這個問題? 倒計時閂鎖會以任何方式提供幫助嗎? 我無法使用 Future isDone因為 java doc 說

boolean isDone()
Returns true if this task completed. Completion may be due to normal termination, an exception, or cancellation -- in all of these cases, this method will return true.

您可以使用CompletionService在期貨准備好后立即接收它們,如果其中一個引發異常,則取消處理。 像這樣的東西:

Executor executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);
CompletionService<SomeResult> completionService = 
       new ExecutorCompletionService<SomeResult>(executor);

//4 tasks
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
   completionService.submit(new Callable<SomeResult>() {
       public SomeResult call() {
           return result;

int received = 0;
boolean errors = false;

while(received < 4 && !errors) {
      Future<SomeResult> resultFuture = completionService.take(); //blocks if none available
      try {
         SomeResult result = resultFuture.get();
         received ++;
         ... // do something with the result
      catch(Exception e) {
         errors = true;


如果您使用的是Java 8 ,那么您可以使用 CompletableFuture 和CompletableFuture.allOf更輕松地完成此操作,它僅在所有提供的 CompletableFuture 完成后才應用回調。

// Waits for *all* futures to complete and returns a list of results.
// If *any* future completes exceptionally then the resulting future will also complete exceptionally.

public static <T> CompletableFuture<List<T>> all(List<CompletableFuture<T>> futures) {
    CompletableFuture[] cfs = futures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[futures.size()]);

    return CompletableFuture.allOf(cfs)
            .thenApply(ignored -> futures.stream()

在 Java 8 中使用CompletableFuture

    // Kick of multiple, asynchronous lookups
    CompletableFuture<User> page1 = gitHubLookupService.findUser("Test1");
    CompletableFuture<User> page2 = gitHubLookupService.findUser("Test2");
    CompletableFuture<User> page3 = gitHubLookupService.findUser("Test3");

    // Wait until they are all done

    logger.info("--> " + page1.get());

您可以使用ExecutorCompletionService 該文檔甚至為您的確切用例提供了一個示例:


void solve(Executor e, Collection<Callable<Result>> solvers) throws InterruptedException {
    CompletionService<Result> ecs = new ExecutorCompletionService<Result>(e);
    int n = solvers.size();
    List<Future<Result>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Result>>(n);
    Result result = null;
    try {
        for (Callable<Result> s : solvers)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            try {
                Result r = ecs.take().get();
                if (r != null) {
                    result = r;
            } catch (ExecutionException ignore) {
    } finally {
        for (Future<Result> f : futures)

    if (result != null)

這里要注意的重要一點是 ecs.take() 將獲得第一個完成的任務,而不僅僅是第一個提交的任務。 因此,您應該按照完成執行(或引發異常)的順序獲取它們。

如果您使用的是 Java 8 並且不想操作CompletableFuture ,我已經編寫了一個工具來使用流檢索List<Future<T>>的結果。 關鍵是你被禁止在它拋出時map(Future::get)

public final class Futures

    private Futures()

    public static <E> Collector<Future<E>, Collection<E>, List<E>> present()
        return new FutureCollector<>();

    private static class FutureCollector<T> implements Collector<Future<T>, Collection<T>, List<T>>
        private final List<Throwable> exceptions = new LinkedList<>();

        public Supplier<Collection<T>> supplier()
            return LinkedList::new;

        public BiConsumer<Collection<T>, Future<T>> accumulator()
            return (r, f) -> {
                catch (InterruptedException e)
                catch (ExecutionException e)

        public BinaryOperator<Collection<T>> combiner()
            return (l1, l2) -> {
                return l1;

        public Function<Collection<T>, List<T>> finisher()
            return l -> {

                List<T> ret = new ArrayList<>(l);
                if (!exceptions.isEmpty())
                    throw new AggregateException(exceptions, ret);

                return ret;


        public Set<java.util.stream.Collector.Characteristics> characteristics()
            return java.util.Collections.emptySet();

這需要一個像 C# 一樣工作的AggregateException

public class AggregateException extends RuntimeException
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4477649337710077094L;

    private final List<Throwable> causes;
    private List<?> successfulElements;

    public AggregateException(List<Throwable> causes, List<?> l)
        this.causes = causes;
        successfulElements = l;

    public AggregateException(List<Throwable> causes)
        this.causes = causes;

    public synchronized Throwable getCause()
        return this;

    public List<Throwable> getCauses()
        return causes;

    public List<?> getSuccessfulElements()
        return successfulElements;

    public void setSuccessfulElements(List<?> successfulElements)
        this.successfulElements = successfulElements;


該組件與 C# 的Task.WaitAll完全一樣。 我正在研究一個與CompletableFuture.allOf相同的變體(相當於Task.WhenAll

我這樣做的原因是我正在使用 Spring 的ListenableFuture並且不想移植到CompletableFuture盡管它是一種更標准的方式

如果你想組合一個 CompletableFutures 列表,你可以這樣做:

List<CompletableFuture<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
// ... Add futures to this ArrayList of CompletableFutures

// CompletableFuture.allOf() method demand a variadic arguments
// You can use this syntax to pass a List instead
CompletableFuture<Void> allFutures = CompletableFuture.allOf(
            futures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[futures.size()]));

// Wait for all individual CompletableFuture to complete
// All individual CompletableFutures are executed in parallel

有關 Future 和 CompletableFuture 的更多詳細信息,有用的鏈接:
1.未來: https ://www.baeldung.com/java-future
2. CompletableFuture: https ://www.baeldung.com/java-completablefuture
3. CompletableFuture: https ://www.callicoder.com/java-8-completablefuture-tutorial/


public interface CheckedSupplier<X> {
  X get() throws Throwable;

public static <X> Supplier<X> uncheckedSupplier(final CheckedSupplier<X> supplier) {
    return () -> {
        try {
            return supplier.get();
        } catch (final Throwable checkedException) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(checkedException);


futures.stream().forEach(future -> uncheckedSupplier(future::get).get());


List<MyResultType> results = futures.stream()
    .map(future -> uncheckedSupplier(future::get).get())


但是這里的問題是,例如,如果第 4 個 future 拋出異常,那么我將不必要地等待前 3 個 future 可用。


 .forEach(future -> uncheckedSupplier(future::get).get());

這樣,第一個異常雖然不會停止未來,但會破壞 forEach-statement,就像在串行示例中一樣,但由於所有並行等待,您不必等待前 3 個完成。

也許這會有所幫助(沒有什么可以用原始線程代替,是的!)我建議使用單獨的線程運行每個Future人(它們並行運行),然后當出現任何錯誤時,它只會向管理器發出信號( Handler程序類)。

class Handler{
private Thread thisThread;
private boolean failed=false;
private Thread[] trds;
public void waitFor(){
  List<Future<Object>> futures = getFutures();
  trds=new Thread[futures.size()];
  for (int i = 0; i < trds.length; i++) {
    RunTask rt=new RunTask(futures.get(i), this);
    trds[i]=new Thread(rt);
  synchronized (this) {
    for(Thread tx:trds){
  for(Thread tx:trds){
    try {tx.join();
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      System.out.println("Job failed!");break;
  }if(!failed){System.out.println("Job Done");}

private List<Future<Object>> getFutures() {
  return null;

public synchronized void cancelOther(){if(failed){return;}
  for(Thread tx:trds){
    tx.stop();//Deprecated but works here like a boss
class RunTask implements Runnable{
private Future f;private Handler h;
public RunTask(Future f,Handler h){this.f=f;this.h=h;}
public void run(){
f.get();//beware about state of working, the stop() method throws ThreadDeath Error at any thread state (unless it blocked by some operation)
}catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Error, stopping other guys...");h.cancelOther();}
catch(Throwable t){System.out.println("Oops, some other guy has stopped working...");}

我不得不說上面的代碼會出錯(沒有檢查),但我希望我能解釋一下解決方案。 請試一試。

CompletionService 將使用 .submit() 方法獲取您的 Callables,您可以使用 .take() 方法檢索計算出的期貨。

您不能忘記的一件事是通過調用 .shutdown() 方法來終止 ExecutorService。 此外,您只能在保存對執行程序服務的引用時調用此方法,因此請確保保留一個。

示例代碼 - 對於要並行處理的固定數量的工作項:

ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());

CompletionService<YourCallableImplementor> completionService = 
new ExecutorCompletionService<YourCallableImplementor>(service);

ArrayList<Future<YourCallableImplementor>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<YourCallableImplementor>>();

for (String computeMe : elementsToCompute) {
    futures.add(completionService.submit(new YourCallableImplementor(computeMe)));
//now retrieve the futures after computation (auto wait for it)
int received = 0;

while(received < elementsToCompute.size()) {
 Future<YourCallableImplementor> resultFuture = completionService.take(); 
 YourCallableImplementor result = resultFuture.get();
 received ++;
//important: shutdown your ExecutorService

示例代碼 - 對於要並行處理的動態數量的工作項:

public void runIt(){
    ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
    CompletionService<CallableImplementor> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<CallableImplementor>(service);
    ArrayList<Future<CallableImplementor>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<CallableImplementor>>();

    //Initial workload is 8 threads
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        futures.add(completionService.submit(write.new CallableImplementor()));             
    boolean finished = false;
    while (!finished) {
        try {
            Future<CallableImplementor> resultFuture;
            resultFuture = completionService.take();
            CallableImplementor result = resultFuture.get();
            finished = doSomethingWith(result.getResult());
            result = null;
            resultFuture = null;
            //After work package has been finished create new work package and add it to futures
            futures.add(completionService.submit(write.new CallableImplementor()));
        } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
            //handle interrupted and assert correct thread / work packet count              

    //important: shutdown your ExecutorService

public class CallableImplementor implements Callable{
    boolean result;

    public CallableImplementor call() throws Exception {
        //business logic goes here
        return this;

    public boolean getResult() {
        return result;

    public void setResult(boolean result) {
        this.result = result;
     * execute suppliers as future tasks then wait / join for getting results
     * @param functors a supplier(s) to execute
     * @return a list of results
    private List getResultsInFuture(Supplier<?>... functors) {
        CompletableFuture[] futures = stream(functors)
                .toArray(new CompletableFuture[functors.length]);
        return stream(futures).map(a-> {
            try {
                return a.get();
            } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
                //logger.error("an error occurred during runtime execution a function",e);
                return null;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

public class Stack2 {   
    public static void waitFor(List<Future<?>> futures) {
        List<Future<?>> futureCopies = new ArrayList<Future<?>>(futures);//contains features for which status has not been completed
        while (!futureCopies.isEmpty()) {//worst case :all task worked without exception, then this method should wait for all tasks
            Iterator<Future<?>> futureCopiesIterator = futureCopies.iterator();
            while (futureCopiesIterator.hasNext()) {
                Future<?> future = futureCopiesIterator.next();
                if (future.isDone()) {//already done
                    try {
                        future.get();// no longer waiting
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        //only happen when current Thread interrupted
                    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                        Throwable throwable = e.getCause();// real cause of exception
                        futureCopies.forEach(f -> f.cancel(true));//cancel other tasks that not completed
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);

        Runnable runnable1 = new Runnable (){
            public void run(){
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        Runnable runnable2 = new Runnable (){
            public void run(){
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        Runnable fail = new Runnable (){
            public void run(){
                try {
                    throw new RuntimeException("bla bla bla");
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        List<Future<?>> futures = Stream.of(runnable1,fail,runnable2)

        double start = System.nanoTime();
        double end = (System.nanoTime()-start)/1e9;
        System.out.println(end +" seconds");


這就是我用來在期貨列表上等待特定時間的方法。 我認為它更清潔。

CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(partitions.size());
// Some parallel work
        for (Something tp : somethings) {
            completionService.submit(() -> {
                try {
                } catch (ConnectException e) {
                } finally {
  try {
        if (!countDownLatch.await(secondsToWait, TimeUnit.SECONDS)){
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {


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