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[英]How to push parent object from jQuery.ajax success statement


//API load function
var apiDataLoader = function ()     {

    // Set default settings
    this.apiSeason = '7924';
    this.apiMatchDay = '30';
    this.apiType = 'gamelist';
    this.apiLink = 'http://example.com/';
    this.apiLinkData = {
        app: this.apiType,
        season_num: this.apiSeason,
        match_day: this.apiMatchDay
    this.apiData = new Object;

    //load API
    apiDataLoader.prototype.load = function()       {
            url: this.apiLink,
            data: this.apiLinkData,
            success: function(data) {
                apiDataLoader.apiData = data; //this is not working
                // I need to push somehow responce data to 'apiDataLoader.apiData' object



PS: data值中的響應是JSON對象。


apiDataLoader.prototype.load = function()       {
        var self = this; //Store the current object to avoid `this` problem in javascript.
            url: this.apiLink,
            data: this.apiLinkData,
            success: function(data) {
                self.apiData = data; //assign value

由於load()是在apiDataLoader的原型上定義的,因此在apiDataLoader時它將接收apiDataLoader的實例作為上下文,換句話說, load()內部的this關鍵字將指向在其上調用apiDataLoader的實例,因此您需要將代碼更改為以下代碼:

apiDataLoader.prototype.load = function()       {

    var that = this; // this is the instance of apiDataLoader on which this method is called
        url: this.apiLink,
        data: this.apiLinkData,
        success: function(data) {
            that.apiData = data; //assign value

您需要引用apiData使用當前對象的屬性this ,但是你需要緩存它的外面$.ajax成功處理程序的范圍this在功能會有所不同。 嘗試這個:

apiDataLoader.prototype.load = function() {
    var _this = this;
        url: this.apiLink,
        data: this.apiLinkData,
        success: function(data) {
            _this.apiData = data;

現在,您正在構造函數apiDataLoader上創建一個新屬性,而不是當前實例。 這是一種實現方法:

    url: this.apiLink,
    data: this.apiLinkData,
    dataType: 'json', //will automatically parse the response as JSON
    success: function(data) {
        this.apiData = data;
    context: this //sets the context object to the current instance in the callback

另外,請注意,原型函數應在構造函數外部聲明,否則使用原型沒有優勢,因為為每個新創建的實例都重新聲明了這些函數。 此外,構造函數以大寫字母開頭,這是JS中的約定,您應該遵循它。

function ApiDataLoader() {

ApiDataLoader.prototype = {
    constructor: ApiDataLoader,
    load: function () {


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