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[英]reading string and integers from a text file in java

/*This assignment is to create 2 parallel arrays – jobs& salaries
*Read file from “careers.txt” into arrays
*one line – job
*next line –salary
*Sort Salaries {from highest}
*then swap jobs if salary swapped
*Display output of careers and salaries from the highest on a formatted table.
package assignment7;
import java.util.*;//importing Scanner

public class Coordinator 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    {// the main method creates the arrays and calls on each method to perform 
        //its work.
     String [] job = new String[20];//creating a string array having 20 spaces
     int[] salary = new int[20];//creating an integer array having 20 spaces
     int count;// number of spaces actually occupied in the array

     **count = readFile(job, salary);**// calling a method to read text into both
                                   //arrays and return the number of spaces 
                                   //occupied in the array

     sorter(job,salary,count);// calling on method to arrange file from highest
     //to lowest

     display(job, salary,count);// calling on method present the output

    public static int readFile(String[] jobber, int[] salaro) throws Exception
    { // this method reads a text file and copies into arrays and also
        //returns the number of spaces occupied in the array
            int n = 0; //keeps track of number of times a line is fed into an 

            //set up a file class object linked up to the name of the file to 
            //be read
            java.io.File unread = new java.io.File("career.txt");

            // create a scanner instance to read the input from the file
            Scanner infile = new Scanner(unread);

            /*This while loop reads line of text into the arrays, it uses 
             * boolean
             * function hasNextLine() and the created scanner instance.
            while (infile.hasNextLine() || infile.hasNextInt())
                jobber[n] = infile.nextLine();
                **salaro[n] = infile.nextInt()**;
            }//end while
            infile.close();//close scanner class
            return n;// return number of spaces filled

    }//end of readFile method

    public static void sorter(String[] jobestic, int[] salawe, int z) 
            throws Exception
    {// this method sorts the array from the highest paid job to the lowest.

      boolean swapped;// keeps track of when a swap takes place
      int i;// variable fo for loop
      int temp;// helps in swap
      String temp2;// helps in swap

          swapped = false;
          for (i= 0; i < z-1; i++)// a pass through the array
              if (salawe[i+1] > salawe[i])
              // if the number before it is less they swap
                  //swap starts
                  temp = salawe[i+1];
                  salawe[i+1] = salawe[i];
                  salawe[i] = temp;
                  //swaps the jobs too if the salary is swapped
                  temp2 = jobestic[i+1];
                  jobestic[i+1] = jobestic[i];
                  jobestic[i] = temp2;

                  swapped = true;
              }// end if

          }// end for

      } while (swapped);
   }// end sorter method

   public static void display(String[] jobo, int[] salary5 ,int k) throws Exception

       //this method displays the output as a formatted table
       int i;
       System.out.printf("%-60s%15s%n", "Job", "Salary");

       for(i=0; i<k; i++)

           System.out.printf("%-60s%,15d%n", jobo[i], salary5[i]);



拜托,這個代碼有什么問題? 我一遍又一遍地絞盡腦汁,無法弄清楚出什么問題了。...我運行了這段代碼,但我不斷收到錯誤信息。 我嘗試讀取的文本文件如下。 我想將職稱存儲在一個數組中,並將相應的薪水存儲在另一個數組中。 像平行陣列。 請問代碼有什么問題? 我想將薪水存儲為整數,因為當我顯示輸出時,我將其格式化為整數。 謝謝。

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Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException 
at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Scanner.java:909) 
at java.util.Scanner.next(Scanner.java:1530) 
at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Scanner.java:2160) 
at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Scanner.java:2119) 
at assignment7.Coordinator.readFile(Coordinator.java:56)
at assignment7.Coordinator.main(Coordinator.java:25)


當您調用nextInt() ,掃描儀將在數字之后停止。 然后,當您隨后立即調用nextLine() ,您實際上是在讀取nextLine()的行的末尾的換行符。 您沒有閱讀下一行。 因此,在循環的下一次迭代中,當掃描儀中接下來排列非數字文本時,您將調用nextInt()



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