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表達式的非法開始Java slick

[英]Illegal start of expression java slick

我遇到了這個問題,並且它不斷拋出非法的表達式開始,我檢查了方括號,我認為它們很好。 這是代碼:另外,它說在第30行有一個錯誤,我不太了解。

    public class Menu extends BasicGameState {

Image playNow;
Image exitGame;

public String mouse = "No Input Yet!";

public Menu(int state) {

public void init(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg) throws SlickException {
    playNow = new Image("res/playNow.png");
    exitGame = new Image("res/exitGame.png");

public void render(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, Graphics g) throws SlickException {
    g.drawString(mouse, 590, 10);
    g.drawString("Welcome to my Game!", 100, 50);
    exitGame.draw(100, 200);
//slick counts from the bottom-left of the display, not the top-left, like java does

public void update(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, int delta) throws SlickException {
    Input input = gc.getInput();
    int mousex = Mouse.getX();
    int mousey = Mouse.getY();
    mouse = "Mouse coordinate x: " + mousex + " y: " + mousey;
    // x-min:105  x-max:300  y-min:  y-max:300
    if(input.isMouseButtonDown(0)) {
        if(mousex>100 && mousex<300) && (mousey>400 && mousey< 435) { //error
        if(mousex>100 && mousex<300) && (mousey>300 && mousey <335) { //error

public int getID() {
    return 0;


在Java中, if條件必須用括號完全包圍。 更改

if(mousex>100 && mousex<300) && (mousey>400 && mousey< 435) {

if((mousex>100 && mousex<300) && (mousey>400 && mousey< 435)) {


編譯器認為(mousex>100 && mousex<300)是整個條件,而&& (mousey>400 && mousey< 435)作為條件的主體沒有意義。


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