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[英]Input and Output program for python

所以我有一個問題需要此功能。顏色,大小,果肉和類別由空格分隔。 編寫一個Python程序,詢問用戶輸入文件的名稱(在本例中為animal.txt)和輸出文件的名稱(任何名稱)。 該程序讀取輸入文件的行,忽略注釋行(以#開頭的行)和空白行,並計算並打印以下問題的答案:動物總數? 危險動物總數? 安全的大型動物數量是多少? 有多少棕色和危險的動物? 有多少紅色或硬皮的安全動物?

因此,我完成了程序,似乎一切正常,但是到目前為止,當我輸入代碼並啟動程序時,一切正常,沒有錯誤,沒有任何東西,但是沒有生成輸出文件。 我不知道到底是哪里出了問題,但是如果有人能指出我正確的方向,將不勝感激。

import os.path
endofprogram = False

    filename1 = input("Enter the name of input file: ")
    filename2 = input("Enter the name of output file: ")
    while os.path.isfile(filename2):
        filename2 = input("File Exists! Enter new name for output file: ")
        infile = open(filename1, 'r')
        ofile = open(filename2, "w")
except IOError:
        print("Error reading file! Program ends here")
        endofprogram = True
        if (endofprogram == False):
            alist = []
            blist = []
            clist = []
            largesafe = 0
            dangerous = 0 
            browndangerous = 0
            redhard = 0        
            for line in infile:
                line = line.strip("\n")
                if (line != " ") and (line[0] != "#"):
                    colour, size, flesh, clas = line.split('\t')
                    alist = alist.append(colour)
                    animals = alist.count()

                while clas == "dangerous":
                    dangerous = dangerous + 1

                while size == "large" and clas == "safe":
                    largesafe = largesafe + 1

                while colour == "brown" and clas == "dangerous":
                    browndangerous = browndangerous + 1

                while colour == "red" and flesh == "hard":
                    redhard = redhard + 1

                ofile.write(print("Animals = \n", animals))
                ofile.write(print("Dangerous = \n", dangerous))
                ofile.write(print("Brown and dangerous = \n", browndangerous)) 
                ofile.write(print("Large and safe = \n", largesafe))
                ofile.write(print("Safe and red color or hard flesh= \n", redhard))


也許您可以在ofile.write刪除print ofile.write

ofile.write(print("Animals = \n", animals))

ofile.write("Animals = \n" + str(animals))

您的縮進完全把程序弄亂了。 最大的罪犯是本節:

except IOError:
    print("Error reading file! Program ends here")
    endofprogram = True
    if (endofprogram == False):

if行僅在endofprogram = True行之后立即執行,此時endofprogram == False將為false,因此if塊中(包括程序的其余部分)將不執行任何操作。 您需要將if以后的所有內容降低一級。


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