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線程“ main”中的異常java.lang.NullPointerException

[英]Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NullPointerException


Input date: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at Project03.GetMonthInfo(Project03Driver.java:89)
    at Project03.appMain(Project03Driver.java:63)
    at Project03Driver.main(Project03Driver.java:18)


不太確定。 這是我第一次編寫Java。 這是我的代碼:

import java.io.*;

public class Project03Driver
    public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException
        Project03 app;
        app = new Project03();
}  // end class Project03Driver 

class Project03 

    // Instance (global) data declarations
   /* Output iCode, uSold, uCost, uPrice
   Output extCost, extPrice, iProfit */
   /* Output totExtCost, totExtPrice, totProfit, totTax
   Output avgProfit, lowUsold, lowUsoldIcode */

    float iCode;
    float uSold;
   float uCost;
   float uPrice;
   float extCost;
   float extPrice;
   float iProfit;

   float totExtCost;
   float totExtPrice;
   float totProfit;
   float totTax;
   float avgProfit;
   float lowUsold;
   float lowUsoldIcode;

   // additional variables needed for compile

   float totUsold;
   int date;
   int taxRate;
   int profitRate;

    BufferedReader stdin;

void appMain() throws IOException
  //Output assignment
  System.out.println("Assignment: Project #3" + "Written by:  Evan Tanguma");


  while (iCode != 0)



void InitReport() throws IOException
   totUsold = 0;
   totExtCost = 0;
   totExtPrice = 0;
   lowUsold = 100;
   iCode= -11;  //need to set to a value which is not the flag

void GetMonthInfo() throws IOException
   //Input date, taxRate, profitRate
   System.out.print("Input date: ");
    date = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());

   System.out.print("Input taxRate: ");
    taxRate = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());

   System.out.print("Input profitRate: ");
   profitRate = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());

void DisplayMonthInfo()
   //Output date, taxRate, profitRate
   System.out.println("The value of date is: " + date);
    System.out.println("The value of taxRate is: " + taxRate);
   System.out.println("The value of profitRate is: " + profitRate);

void ProcItem() throws IOException
   if (iCode != 0)

void GetIcode() throws IOException
   // user input iCode
   System.out.print("Input iCode: ");
    iCode = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());

void GetItemDetails() throws IOException
   // user input uSold, uCost
   System.out.print("Input uSold: ");
    uSold = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());

   System.out.print("Input uCost: ");
    uCost = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());

void CalculateDetailTotals()
   uPrice = uCost * (1 + profitRate);
   extCost = uSold * uCost;
   extPrice = uSold * uPrice;
   iProfit = extPrice - extCost;

   totUsold = totUsold + uSold;
   totExtCost = totExtCost + extCost;
   totExtPrice = totExtPrice + extPrice;

void UpdateLows()
   if(uSold < lowUsold)
      lowUsold = uSold;
      lowUsoldIcode = iCode;

void DisplayItemDetails()
   /* Output iCode, uSold, uCost, uPrice
   Output extCost, extPrice, iProfit */

   System.out.println("iCode is: " + iCode);
   System.out.println("uSold is: " + uSold);
   System.out.println("uCost is: " + uCost);
   System.out.println("uPrice is: " + uPrice);
   System.out.println("extCost is: " + extCost);
   System.out.println("extPrice is: " + extPrice);
   System.out.println("iProfit is: " + iProfit);


void DisplaySummary()
   /* Output totExtCost, totExtPrice, totProfit, totTax
   Output avgProfit, lowUsold, lowUsoldIcode */

   System.out.println("totExtCost is: " + totExtCost);
   System.out.println("totExtPrice is: " + totExtPrice);
   System.out.println("totProfit is: " + totProfit);
   System.out.println("totTax is: " + totTax);
   System.out.println("avgProfit is: " + avgProfit);
   System.out.println("lowUsold is: " + lowUsold);
   System.out.println("lowUsoldIcode is: " + lowUsoldIcode);


} // end of class 
Input date: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at Project03.GetMonthInfo(Project03Driver.java:89)

從堆棧跟蹤中:您尚未初始化Project03類的BufferedReaderstdin實例。 您對app.appMain();調用app.appMain(); main(args)函數內部正在調用GetMonthInfo(); ,您要在其中執行Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine()) :由於stdinnull ,因此無法對此調用readLine() Project03類上下文中對其進行初始化,如下所示:

BufferedReader stdin =  new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));


stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));


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