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如何在Google V8中執行JavaScript特別是與Canvas相關的代碼

[英]How JavaScript is Executed in Google V8 specially Canvas related code

guru我正在努力了解Google-V8引擎的工作情況,據我了解,我在https://developers.google.com/v8/get_started上進行了調查,V8將javascript作為輸入,然后編譯它並獲得輸出,如上例所示,我們將其作為字符串輸出。 在現實生活場景中,考慮到這個畫布代碼,情況就不同了

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"),
        ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"), // Create canvas context
        W = window.innerWidth, // Window's width
        H = window.innerHeight, // Window's height
        particles = [], // Array containing particles
        ball = {}, // Ball object
        paddles = [2], // Array containing two paddles
        mouse = {}, // Mouse object to store it's current position
        points = 0, // Varialbe to store points
        fps = 60, // Max FPS (frames per second)
        particlesCount = 20, // Number of sparks when ball strikes the paddle
        flag = 0, // Flag variable which is changed on collision
        particlePos = {}, // Object to contain the position of collision 
        multipler = 1, // Varialbe to control the direction of sparks
        startBtn = {}, // Start button object
        restartBtn = {}, // Restart button object
        over = 0, // flag varialbe, cahnged when the game is over
        init, // variable to initialize animation

// Add mousemove and mousedown events to the canvas
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", trackPosition, true);
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", btnClick, true);

window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){
    return  window.requestAnimationFrame       || 
        window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || 
        window.mozRequestAnimationFrame    || 
        window.oRequestAnimationFrame      || 
        window.msRequestAnimationFrame     ||  
        function( callback ){
            return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);


v8是可嵌入的JavaScript引擎。 此引擎與Canvas,getElement或任何其他特定於瀏覽器的功能無關。 v8將回調一個瀏覽器代碼,從你的javascript代碼中做一些事情。 您提到的鏈接是如何開始將v8嵌入到C ++應用程序中的文檔。 這樣您就可以使用JavaScript控制自己的應用程序資源。 您可以控制的資源是您的資源,文件或圖形或窗口或設備和小工具。



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