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[英]How to read a specific line from a text file in Java?

我正在使用文件中的信息創建測驗游戲。 文本文件將包含所有問題,答案和正確答案。 文本文件的結構如下:

answer 1
answer 2
answer 3
answer 4
The right answer repeated

使用從文件中讀取的信息,我正在創建多個測驗。 我將所有問題保存在一個數組中,將答案保存在另一個數組中,並將正確答案(重復)保存在另一個數組中。 有什么辦法可以使用掃描儀轉到文件中的特定行?

到目前為止,這就是我所擁有的。 我能夠從文件中獲取所有問題,但是我不知道如何讀取答案(我在這里省略了用於獲取文件名和計數行數的方法的代碼,因為我知道這些工作):

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Scanner;

//for the file, it is assumed that it is structured as follows: question /n, answer 1 /n, answer 2 /n, 
//answer 3 /n, answer 4 /n, correct answer repeated

public class CoreCode {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    String fileName = getFile();
    // gets the file and deals with exceptions
    Scanner fileIn = null;
    try {
        fileIn = new Scanner(new File(fileName));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        System.out.println("Error. File not found.");
        // e.printStackTrace();

    //counts number of lines in the program
    int numberOfLines = countLines(fileIn);

    //Every sixth line is a question
    int numberOfQuestions = numberOfLines / 6;

    fileIn = null;
    try {
        fileIn = new Scanner(new File(fileName));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        System.out.println("Error. File not found.");

    //create an array of the questions from the file
    String[] questions = getQuestions(fileIn, numberOfQuestions);
    for (int i = 0; i < questions.length; i++){


// method to get file name
public static String getFile() {


//method to count total lines in file
public static int countLines(Scanner fileIn) {


// method to read questions
public static String[] getQuestions(Scanner fileIn, int numberOfQuestions) {
    String[] questions = new String[numberOfQuestions];
    int count = 0;

    //method 2, every sixth line is a question
    while (fileIn.hasNext()){
        String line = fileIn.nextLine();
        if (count == 0 || count % 6 == 0){
            //count is number of total lines, so the index is count  divided by 6 (every sixth lines is 
            //a question
            int index = count / 6;
            questions[index] = line;

    return questions;

 LineIterator it = IOUtils.lineIterator(
       new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file.txt")));
 for (int lineNumber = 0; it.hasNext(); lineNumber++) {
    String line = (String) it.next();
    if (lineNumber == expectedLineNumber) {
        return line;




class Question {
    String question;
    String[] answers;
    String correctAnswer;

然后,在讀取文件之后,您將在內存中存儲所有問題和答案(存儲在ArrayList )。 這樣,您將只讀取一次文件。


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