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[英]Google script - Can't attach a PNG file from Google Drive to form email

我使用以下代碼設置了觸發器,以便在員工每次提交請求時發送電子郵件。 這基本上是發送一本小冊子(以PNG格式並存儲在Google雲端硬盤中)。 不知何故,代碼無法正常工作。 幾乎整天都在網上搜尋答案,但沒有一個幫助。 我嘗試了DriveApp.getFileByID方法,它起作用了,但這僅適用於一個文件。 附件取決於員工在Google表單上選擇的產品,並且該產品是動態的。

任何幫助深表感謝。 謝謝!

function SendBrochure(e) {
    try {

        var email = e.values[1];
        var subject = "ABC Co - Information you requested";
        var msgcc = "test@gmail.com";
        var aliases = GmailApp.getAliases();
        var cxnm = e.values[2] + " " + e.values[3] + " " + e.values[4];
        var msgl1 = "Greetings from ABC Co, " + cxnm + ".";

        var emailText = "<b>Greetings from ABC Co, " + cxnm + ". </b> <p>With reference to your conversation     
    with us and your request for information, please find attached herein the same.</p> <p> Should you 
    require further assistance, please contact the undersigned, or refer to the brochure for pertinent   
    site contact details.</p> <p>We appreciate your interest and look forward to your visit soon.</p> 
    <p> Thanks and regards, <br><b>ABC Co</b><br>Tel: +1 202 555 1212<br>Web: 
    www.abc.com </p>";

        var brochurename = e.values[5]; //gets file name from form (already filled in - for e.g f_1.png)

        var brochure1 = DriveApp.getFilesByName(brochurename);

        GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, msgl1, {
            name: 'ABC Co',
            attachments: [brochure1.next()],
            htmlBody: emailText,
            from: aliases[1]

        GmailApp.sendEmail(msgcc, "Email sent!", "Your email request to " + email + " has been completed successfully at " + e.values[0], {
            'from': aliases[1]

    } catch (e) {


嘗試將圖像作為具有正確mime類型的Blob獲取,請參見[doc here] [1],


attachments: [brochure1.next().getAs('image/png')],

PS:沒有機會進行測試,請讓我們知道它確實有效。 [1]: https//developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/drive/file?hl = fr-FR#getAs%28String%29

編輯 :這是可以使用的代碼的新版本,只需更改圖像文件名以適合您的情況。


function test(){
  var par = {};
  par.values[0]=new Date();
  par.values[5]='LOGO.jpg';// just for test I took a file I had in my drive

function SendBrochure(e) {
  var email = e.values[1];
  var subject = "ABC Co - Information you requested";
  var msgcc = "yyyyyyyy@gmail.com";
  var aliases = GmailApp.getAliases();
  var cxnm = e.values[2] + " " + e.values[3] + " " + e.values[4];
  var msgl1 = "Greetings from ABC Co, " + cxnm + ".";

  var emailText = "<b>Greetings from ABC Co, " + cxnm + ". </b> <p>With reference to your conversation "+    
    "with us and your request for information, please find attached herein the same.</p> <p> Should you "+
      "require further assistance, please contact the undersigned, or refer to the brochure for pertinent "+  
        "site contact details.</p> <p>We appreciate your interest and look forward to your visit soon.</p>"+ 
          "<p> Thanks and regards, <br><b>ABC Co</b><br>Tel: +1 202 555 1212<br>Web: www.abc.com </p>";
  var brochurename = e.values[5]; //gets file name from form (already filled in - for e.g f_1.png)
  var brochure = false;
  Logger.log('brochurename = '+brochurename)
  var brochure1 = DriveApp.getFilesByName(brochurename);
    var brochure = brochure1.next().getBlob();// get the blob
    Logger.log('brochure name = '+brochure.getName())
    Logger.log("didn't find a file with name = "+brochurename)
  Logger.log('email data = '+email+'  '+subject+'  '+ msgl1)
    GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, msgl1,{attachments:[brochure], htmlBody:emailText});  
    GmailApp.sendEmail(msgcc, "Email sent!", "Your email request to " + email + " has been completed successfully at " + e.values[0])   
  GmailApp.sendEmail(msgcc, "Email not sent!", "Your email request to " + email + " has not been sent because of an invalid attachment\nSee Log below : \n\n"+Logger.getLog());   


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