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[英]How do you make a button do something different after a certain number of times of clicking it?

我正在編寫文本冒險游戲,但已經有一段時間沒有使用Java腳本了,我希望代碼中的“洞窟感覺”按鈕第二次單擊它就轉到“ d”。 我該怎么做呢? 這是我當前的代碼:

function one()
    var newButton1 = '<button id="btnTwo" onclick="two()" >Pick up stick</button>';
    var newButton2 = '<button id="btnThree" onclick="three()">Leave it there</button>';
    document.getElementById("a").innerHTML="You feel something on the ground, and you think it's a stick."+newButton1+newButton2;

function two()
   document.getElementById("b").innerHTML="You pick up the stick. It might be useful for something."; 

   document.getElementById("btnTwo").style.display = 'none';
   document.getElementById("btnThree").style.display = 'none';


function three()
    document.getElementById("c").innerHTML="You leave the stick on the ground and continue on.";

    document.getElementById("btnTwo").style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById("btnThree").style.display = 'none';

function four()
    document.getElementById("d").innerHTML="You find another stick stuck to the wall with something that feels like honey. You can also feel some rocks stuck to the wall next to it.";

<div style="margin-left:15px; width:200px; margin-top:100px;">
    <button onclick="one()">Feel around the cave</button>

<div id="entire" style="margin-left:490px; margin-top:-22px; width:400px; height:600px;>
   <div id="d"></div>
   <div id="c"></div>
   <div id="b"></div>
   <div id="a"></div>

我不會把onclick =“”弄亂,但是既然你這樣做了,那就

給按鈕分配id,讓說id =“ btn_feelAround”然后在one()函數的末尾執行

var myButton = document.getElementById('btn_feelAround');
myButton.onclick = four;

我在這里做的: jsFiddle



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