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[英]finding a winner in tic tac toe java(returning)

此井字游戲代碼適用於除確定獲勝者之外的所有內容。 它可以確定平局並很好地展示板子。 我覺得問題出在從“檢查”方法返回變量“完成”,但我不知道是什么。 我返回的語法很生疏,所以我不確定是否只是不記得如何訪問返回的變量或其他內容,但是我被卡住了。 任何幫助是極大的贊賞。 先感謝您!


     import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class tictactoe
    public static void main(String args[])//coordinates = row:column
        String grid[][] = new String [4][4];//creates 2D array
        int w = 0;//initiates counter
        int j = 0;//initiates counter
        for(w = 1; w <= 3; w++)//counter
            for(j = 1; j <= 3; j++)///counter
                grid[w][j] = "[]";//fills the array with "[]" (empty symbol)
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"WELCOME to Matt's Fun World of TIC TAC TOE");
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Find the number of the box " + "\n" + "that you would like to enter your coordinates.");
       board_game(grid, w, j);//sends grid, w and j to the board game method

    public static void board_game(String grid[][], int w, int j)
        boolean test = false;//checks which player won the game
        boolean done = false;//used to test if the game is done
        int player = 1;//used to switch between player 1 and 2
        String a = grid[1][1]; String b = grid[1][2]; String c = grid[1][3]; //makes playing board
            String d = grid[2][1]; String e = grid[2][2]; String f = grid[2][3];//makes playing board
            String g = grid[3][1]; String h = grid[3][2]; String i = grid[3][3];//makes playing board
            String board = 
                     ("       "+a+"       |          "+b+"        |       "+c+"          "      + "\n" +//makes board
                      "-------------|---------------|-------------       "      + "\n" +
                      "        "+d+"       |         "+e+"         |       "+f+"    "    + "\n" +
                      "-------------|---------------|-------------       "      + "\n" +
                      "        "+g+"      |          "+h+"        |       "+i+"    "  );

            a = grid[1][1]; b = grid[1][2]; c = grid[1][3];//makes board be able to use in loop 
            d = grid[2][1]; e = grid[2][2]; f = grid[2][3];
            g = grid[3][1]; h = grid[3][2]; i = grid[3][3];                                                           
            board = 
                     ("       "+a+"       |          "+b+"        |       "+c+"          "      + "\n" +
                      "-------------|---------------|-------------       "      + "\n" +
                      "        "+d+"       |         "+e+"         |       "+f+"    "    + "\n" +
                      "-------------|---------------|-------------       "      + "\n" +
                      "        "+g+"      |          "+h+"        |       "+i+"    "  );

            check(done, grid, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i);
            if(player % 2 != 0)//player 1 
                player++;//moves it to next player
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, board);//prints board
                String r=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("                    PLAYER 1" + "\n" +"Enter the row of your desired move.");
                int row = Integer.parseInt(r);//parses which row in desired
                String cm=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("                    PLAYER 1" + "\n" +"Enter the column of your desired move.");
                int column = Integer.parseInt(cm);//parses which column is desired
                grid[row][column] = "X";//puts an X in the desired location
                test = true;//says player 1 wins if a winner is determined                
                done = check(done, grid, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i);//sends done, grid, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i
            else if(player % 2 == 0)//player 2
                player++;//moves it to next player
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, board);//prints board
                String rr=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("                    PLAYER 2" + "\n" +"Enter the row of your desired move.");
                int row2 = Integer.parseInt(rr);//parses which row is desired
                String cc=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("                    PLAYER 2" + "\n" +"Enter the column of your desired move.");
                int column2 = Integer.parseInt(cc);//parses which column is desired
                grid[row2][column2] = "O";//puts an X in the desired location
                done = check(done, grid, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i);//sends done, grid, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i
        if(test == true)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Player 1 is the winner!");
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, board);//prints the board
        else if (test == false)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Player 2 is the winner!");
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, board);//prints the board

    public static boolean check(boolean done, String grid[][], String a, String b, String c,String d, String e, String f, String g, String h, String i)
        if(grid[1][1].equals(grid[1][2]) && grid[1][2].equals(grid[1][3]))
            done = true;//makes game over by making done true
        else if(grid[2][1].equals(grid[2][2]) && grid[2][2].equals(grid[2][3]))
            done = true;//makes game over by making done true
         else if(grid[3][1].equals(grid[3][2]) && grid[3][2].equals(grid[3][3]))
            done = true;//makes game over by making done true
         else if(grid[1][1].equals(grid[2][1]) && grid[2][1].equals(grid[3][1]))
            done = true;//makes game over by making done true
         else if(grid[1][2].equals(grid[2][2]) && grid[2][2].equals(grid[3][2]))
            done = true;//makes game over by making done true
         else if(grid[1][3].equals(grid[2][3]) && grid[2][3].equals(grid[3][3]))
            done = true;//makes game over by making done true
         else if(grid[1][1].equals(grid[2][2]) && grid[2][2].equals(grid[3][3]))
            done = true;//makes game over by making done true
         else if(grid[1][3].equals(grid[2][2]) && grid[3][1].equals(grid[1][3]))
            done = true;//makes game over by making done true
            int y = 0;//initiates the empty space counter at zero
            for(int x = 1; x <= grid.length-1; x++)//counter
                for(int z = 1; z <= grid.length-1; z++)//counter
                    if(grid[x][z] .equals("[]"))//if space is equal to "[]"
                        y++;//adds one to y(counter)
            if(y == 0)//if there are no empty spaces 
                done = true;//game over
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "IT'S A DRAW!");                
                done = false;//game isn't over
        return done;//return done


您的方法check()無法正常工作。 就像我做的一樣,如果玩家獲勝,則逐步調試代碼並觀看check()方法。 那里的邏輯有些問題。

盡管如此,就像羅賓·格林(Robin Green)解釋的那樣:因為前兩個if語句始終為true,所以永遠不會達到您的else if(test ...)情況。


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