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C ++析構函數過早刪除內容(對象,指針?)

[英]C++ Destructor deleting stuff(objects, pointers?) too soon

我有一個分配,它創建節點並將其插入到雙向鏈表中。 規范之一是包括析構函數。 由於某種原因,當我在main中調用addSortedList()時,我的析構函數似乎正在刪除對象或指針或同時刪除兩者。 如果我取出析構函數,程序將運行良好,並在其中調用addSortedList()時程序崩潰。 我什至今天花了一些時間與我的教練一起,他說我的析構函數看起來不錯,無法弄清楚是什么導致了問題。 有人可以向我解釋為什么會這樣嗎?

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class DoublyLinkedList;

template <typename T>
class Node
  friend class DoublyLinkedList<T>;

    Node(const T& data, Node<T> *next, Node<T> *prev);

    T data;
    Node<T> *next;
    Node<T> *prev;
}; // end class Node


// Create a header node for an empty linked list.

template <typename T>
  next = this;
  prev = this;


// Create a regular node to be inserted into a linked list

template <typename T>
Node<T>::Node(const T& data, Node<T> *next, Node<T> *prev)
  this->data = data;
  this->next = next;
  this->prev = prev;


template <typename T>
class DoublyLinkedList
    DoublyLinkedList(const T arr[], int arrSize);

    void insert(Node<T> *insertionPoint, const T& data);
    void display();
    DoublyLinkedList<T> addSortedList(const DoublyLinkedList<T>& list2);

    Node<T> *header;    // pointer to header node (header points to 
                        // front and back of list)
    int size;           // number of data nodes in list
}; // end class DoublyLinkedList


// Default constructor creates only a header node

template <typename T>
  header = new Node<T>();
  size = 0;
} // end constructor


// Constructor takes in array and array size and creates a doubly
// linked list with a header node.

template <typename T>
DoublyLinkedList<T>::DoublyLinkedList(const T arr[], int arrSize)
  header = new Node<T>();
  size = arrSize;

  for (int i = size - 1; i > -1; i--)
    insert(header->next, arr[i]);
} // end constructor


// Destructor to delete nodes after use.

template <typename T> 
  Node<T> *oldFrontPointer; // pointer to node to be deleted
  Node<T> *newFrontPointer; // pointer to next node to be deleted

  oldFrontPointer = header->next;

  while (oldFrontPointer->next != header)
    newFrontPointer = oldFrontPointer->next;
    delete oldFrontPointer;
    oldFrontPointer = newFrontPointer;
  delete header;
} // end destructor


// This function inserts a new node into a list

template <typename T>
void DoublyLinkedList<T>::insert(Node<T> *insertionPoint, const T& data)
  Node<T> *prevNodePtr;   // pointer to node that precedes insertionpoint
  Node<T> *newNodePtr;    // pointer to new node

  prevNodePtr = insertionPoint->prev;

  newNodePtr = new Node<T>(data, insertionPoint, prevNodePtr);

  insertionPoint->prev = prevNodePtr->next = newNodePtr;
} // end insert


// This function prints the node data from a list

template <typename T>
void DoublyLinkedList<T>::display()
  Node<T> *currentNodePtr = header->next;

  if (size == 0)
    cout << "Empty linked list.";
    while (currentNodePtr != header)
      cout << currentNodePtr->data << " ";
      currentNodePtr = currentNodePtr->next;
  cout << "\n";
} // end display


// This function merges the parameter list into the calling object
// list in sorted order assuming both lists are presorted.

template <typename T>
DoublyLinkedList<T> DoublyLinkedList<T>::
  addSortedList(const DoublyLinkedList<T>& list2)
  Node<T> *list1Pointer = this->header->next;
  Node<T> *list2Pointer = list2.header->next;

  while (list1Pointer != this->header && list2Pointer->next != list2.header)
    // insert list 2 nodes if they are smaller than list 1 current node

    if (list1Pointer->data > list2Pointer->data)
      insert(list1Pointer, list2Pointer->data);
      list2Pointer = list2Pointer->next;

    // move list 1 pointer if list 1 current node is smaller than
    // list 2 current node

    else if (list1Pointer->data < list2Pointer->data)
      list1Pointer = list1Pointer->next;

    // insert list 2 nodes that are smaller than list 1 current node

    else if (list1Pointer->next == this->header)
      insert(list1Pointer, list2Pointer->data);
      list2Pointer = list2Pointer->next;
  }// end while

  // insert last list 2 nodes that are larger than last node in
  // list 1 at the end of the list

  while (list1Pointer->next == this->header && list2Pointer != list2.header)
    list1Pointer = list1Pointer->next;
    insert(list1Pointer, list2Pointer->data);
    list2Pointer = list2Pointer->next;
  return *this;
} // end addSortedList

int main()
  int arrA[] = {20,80,100};
  int arrB[] = {10,30,60,100,110};
  int arrASize = sizeof(arrA)/sizeof(int);
  int arrBSize = sizeof(arrB)/sizeof(int);

  DoublyLinkedList<int> listA(arrA, arrASize);
  DoublyLinkedList<int> listB(arrB, arrBSize);
  DoublyLinkedList<int> listC;

  listB.display(); //extra
} // end main

您正在從addSortedList返回一個值,因此您的意圖顯然是返回this的引用。 然后,返回的復制值與原始對象共享內部列表指針,並立即使用其自己的析構函數將其刪除。


template <typename T>
DoublyLinkedList<T> DoublyLinkedList<T>::
   addSortedList(const DoublyLinkedList<T>& list2)


template <typename T>
DoublyLinkedList<T> &DoublyLinkedList<T>::
   addSortedList(const DoublyLinkedList<T>& list2)


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