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[英]Java - Anonymous class are static or not

我知道這取決於匿名類被寫入的上下文(靜態或非靜態方法)。 但是看一下這部分代碼:

public class A {
    int fieldOfA;

    private static class B {
        int fieldOfB;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        B obj = new B() { //this anonymous class is static becuase is in the main method.

            private static void testMethod() { //so why here i have an error and i can put just a non-static method
                                               //if my class is static ?
                                               //a class static can have static method, but this class no, why?


如果上下文是靜態的,則匿名類是靜態的。 例如以靜態方法。

如果存在非靜態上下文,則匿名類是非靜態的,無論您是否需要它都是非靜態的。 如果不使用非靜態上下文,則編譯器不夠聰明,無法使類靜態化。

在此示例中,創建了兩個匿名類。 靜態方法中的一個沒有引用外部類,就像靜態嵌套類一樣。


import java.util.Arrays;

public class Main {
    Object o = new Object() {
            Object m = Main.this; // o has a reference to an outer class.

    static Object O = new Object() {
        // no reference to Main.this;
        // doesn't compile if you use Math.this

    public void nonStaticMethod() {
        Object o = new Object() {
                Object m = Main.this; // o has a reference to an outer class.
        printFields("Anonymous class in nonStaticMethod", o);

    public static void staticMethod() {
        Object o = new Object() {
            // no reference to Main.this;
            // doesn't compile if you use Math.this
        printFields("Anonymous class in staticMethod", o);

    private static void printFields(String s, Object o) {
        System.out.println(s + " has fields " + Arrays.toString(o.getClass().getDeclaredFields()));

    public static void main(String... ignored) {
        printFields("Non static field ", new Main().o);
        printFields("static field ", Main.O);
        new Main().nonStaticMethod();


Non static field  has fields [final Main Main$1.this$0]
static field  has fields []
Anonymous class in nonStaticMethod has fields [final Main Main$3.this$0]
Anonymous class in staticMethod has fields []

JLS 15.9.5開始

匿名類始終是內部類(第8.1.3節); 它永遠不會是靜態的(第8.1.1節,第8.5.1節)。

8.1.3節詳細討論了內部類,包括它們在靜態上下文中何時發生。 但是它們本身永遠不是靜態的,因此不能聲明靜態成員(常量變量除外)。


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