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[英]Closure table with multiple data types?



例如,假設我有一個人,可以雇用或受雇於其他人。 這些人中的每一個都可能有設備檢查,每件設備必須有名稱,描述和更換部件清單,每個更換部件必須有成本等。

我看到關閉表的大多數例子都集中在它們處理論壇或線程注釋的方式上。 如何制作具有多種數據類型的閉包表?


select * from person

| pID | name      | employedBy |
|   1 | John Doe  |          2 |
|   2 | Joe Smith |       NULL |
|   3 | Meg Ryan  |          3 |

select * from equipment

| eqID | eqName   | eqDescription     | eqOwner | eqCheckedOutTo |
|    1 | stuff    | just some stuff   |       3 |           NULL |
|    2 | table    | a table           |       1 |           NULL |
|    3 | computer | PC computer       |       3 |              2 |
|    4 | 3table   | table with 3 legs |       2 |           NULL |

select * from parts;

| partID | partName     | partCost |
|      1 | desktop1     |   499.99 |
|      2 | monitor13x13 |   109.95 |
|      3 | windows95    |    10.00 |
|      4 | speakers     |    30.00 |
|      5 | tabletop     |   189.99 |
|      6 | table leg    |    59.99 |

select * from equipmentParts

| epID | eqID | partID | quantity |
|    1 |    3 |      1 |        1 |
|    2 |    3 |      2 |        2 |
|    3 |    3 |      3 |        1 |
|    4 |    2 |      5 |        1 |
|    5 |    2 |      6 |        4 |
|    6 |    4 |      5 |        1 |
|    7 |    4 |      6 |        3 |


select name,eqName,e.eqID,partName,partCost,quantity,(quantity*partCost) AS totCost
from person p
inner join equipment e ON e.eqOwner=p.pID
inner join equipmentParts ep ON ep.eqID=e.eqID
inner join parts pa ON ep.partID=pa.partID

| name      | eqName   | eqID | partName     | partCost | quantity | totCost |
| John Doe  | table    |    2 | tabletop     |   189.99 |        1 |  189.99 |
| John Doe  | table    |    2 | table leg    |    59.99 |        4 |  239.96 |
| Meg Ryan  | computer |    3 | desktop1     |   499.99 |        1 |  499.99 |
| Meg Ryan  | computer |    3 | monitor13x13 |   109.95 |        2 |  219.90 |
| Meg Ryan  | computer |    3 | windows95    |    10.00 |        1 |   10.00 |
| Joe Smith | 3table   |    4 | tabletop     |   189.99 |        1 |  189.99 |
| Joe Smith | 3table   |    4 | table leg    |    59.99 |        3 |  179.97 |


select name,eqName,sum(quantity*partCost) AS totCost
from person p
inner join equipment e ON e.eqOwner=p.pID
inner join equipmentParts ep ON ep.eqID=e.eqID
inner join parts pa ON ep.partID=pa.partID
group by e.eqID

| name      | eqName   | totCost |
| John Doe  | table    |  429.95 |
| Meg Ryan  | computer |  729.89 |
| Joe Smith | 3table   |  369.96 |


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