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[英]How to set timeout for ProxyAgent?


agent = client.Agent(reactor, connectTimeout=timeout, pool=pool)


auth = base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (username, password))
headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = ["Basic " + auth.strip()]
endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, port)
agent = client.ProxyAgent(endpoint, reactor=reactor, pool=pool)


auth = base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (username, password))
headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = ["Basic " + auth.strip()]
endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, port, timeout=yourTimeout)
agent = client.ProxyAgent(endpoint, reactor=reactor, pool=pool)

假設您要設置連接代理的超時時間。 如果要設置代理連接到上游HTTP服務器所用的超時,則無法控制。


class ProxyAgent(_AgentBase):
    An HTTP agent able to cross HTTP proxies.

    @ivar _proxyEndpoint: The endpoint used to connect to the proxy.

    @since: 11.1

    def __init__(self, endpoint, reactor=None, pool=None):
        if reactor is None:
            from twisted.internet import reactor
        _AgentBase.__init__(self, reactor, pool)
        self._proxyEndpoint = endpoint

    def request(self, method, uri, headers=None, bodyProducer=None):
        Issue a new request via the configured proxy.
        # Cache *all* connections under the same key, since we are only
        # connecting to a single destination, the proxy:
        key = ("http-proxy", self._proxyEndpoint)

        # To support proxying HTTPS via CONNECT, we will use key
        # ("http-proxy-CONNECT", scheme, host, port), and an endpoint that
        # wraps _proxyEndpoint with an additional callback to do the CONNECT.
        return self._requestWithEndpoint(key, self._proxyEndpoint, method,
                                         _URI.fromBytes(uri), headers,
                                         bodyProducer, uri)

ProxyAgent繼承自Agent的同一類( _AgentBase ),而不繼承自Agent本身。


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