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[英]How to initialize 4-bit operation of an LCD

我很難找到簡潔的教程來重新定義LCD控制器的初始化。 我已經閱讀了數據表,其中有特定的位序列應發送到LCD。 這樣的初始化順序如下所示:


我根本無法遵循此處提供的信息。 我可以看到,前幾步需要用戶為設備供電,等待足夠的時間,然后設置幾條數據線的狀態。 我可以通過以下內容理解:

假設我們使用以下字節格式:D7 D6 D5 D4 RS RW XX

  • 打開
  • 等待> 40mS
  • 寫0011 0000 => 0x30
  • 等待> 4.1mS
  • 寫0011 0000 => 0x30
  • 等待> 100uS
  • 寫0011 0000 => 0x30

之后我不知道。 我搜尋了數據表,卻發現很少解釋下面顯示的對N,I / D,D,B,F,C的引用(有些未顯示)。 此外,我閱讀過的任何教程都經常引用一個不確定的神秘的“ 函數集 ”(即下面的函數集:接口長8位 ?)。



有什么好的資源可以推薦嗎? 誰能解釋“功能集”以及相關的變量B,C,F,I / D等。


B ->  The character at the the cursor position blinks when B = 1
Blinking is performed by switching between all blank dots and the display character

C ->  The cursor is displayed when C = 1 and is not displayed when C = 0.
The cursor is displayed as 5 dots in the 8th line when the 5 x 7 dot character font is selected and as 5 dots in the 11th line when the 5 x 10 dot character font is selected. 

    enter code here

D ->  The display is ON when D = 1 and OFF when D = 0. The DD RAM contents remain unchanged.    

Function set specifies of 
    1. DL -> number data length (4 bit or 8 bit) 
        Data sent or received in 8 bit lengths (DB7-DB0) when DL = 1
        Data sent or received in 4 bit lengths (DB7-DB4) when DL = 0 
    2.N -> Sets number of display lines.
    3.f -> Sets character font.

After setting function set , set CGRAM Address and DDRAM Address (Refer Data Sheet)




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