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[英]Simple C Tic Tac Toe Input Errors

我目前正在嘗試學習C,並決定制作一個簡單的Tic Tac Toe“游戲”。

我並不想做任何花哨的事情,我只想將用戶的位置和他們給定的角色放在我的網格中。 我還沒有開始使用數組或其他任何東西,所以我使用printf組合了一個網格。

當我嘗試實際運行游戲時,出現了問題,角色不起作用。 我可以輸入正確的輸入,但這只會使該位置變為空白。 如何使該switch語句將字符存儲在所需位置?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>

    int main()
    // Initialize and define all variables and characters
    char c1='.', c2='.', c3='.', c4='.', c5='.', c6='.', c7='.', c8='.', c9='.'; // Board     characters
    char given; // User-input character
    int pos; // User-input position for the character
    int turnCount; // Gives a limit on game length

    for (turnCount = 0; turnCount < 9; turnCount++)
        // Display lines
        printf("%c %c %c   1 2 3\n", c1, c2, c3); // First line
        printf("%c %c %c   4 5 6\n", c4, c5, c6); // Second line
        printf("%c %c %c   7 8 9\n", c7, c8, c9); // Third line

        // Asks for input, scans input for position and character to use
        printf("Choose a position and character, without spaces.\n");
        scanf_s("%i%c", &pos, &given);

        // Matches the input position with a character, defines the character
        switch (pos)
        case 1: c1 = given; break;
        case 2: c2 = given; break;
        case 3: c3 = given; break;
        case 4: c4 = given; break;
        case 5: c5 = given; break;
        case 6: c6 = given; break;
        case 7: c7 = given; break;
        case 8: c8 = given; break;
        case 9: c9 = given; break;
        } // End switch
    } // End for - game should be over
    return 0;

替換scanf_s("%i%c", &pos, &given); scanf("%i%c", &pos, &given); 將解決您的問題。 這是因為scanf_s需要字符輸入的緩沖區大小,而scanf則不需要。 另一種方法是包括緩沖區大小: scanf_s("%i%c", &pos, &given,1);


編輯:只是為了好玩,我使用數組實現了這一點。 這樣比較干凈。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    // Initialize and define all variables and characters
    char gameBoard[3][3];
    char given; // User-input character
    int pos; // User-input position for the character
    int turnCount; // Gives a limit on game length
    int i;
    //set the gameboard to all '.'
        gameBoard[i/3][i%3] = '.';

    for (turnCount = 0; turnCount < 9; turnCount++)
        // Display lines
        printf("%c %c %c   1 2 3\n", gameBoard[0][0], gameBoard[0][1], gameBoard[0][2]); // First line
        printf("%c %c %c   4 5 6\n", gameBoard[1][0], gameBoard[1][1], gameBoard[1][2]); // Second line
        printf("%c %c %c   7 8 9\n", gameBoard[2][0], gameBoard[2][1], gameBoard[2][2]); // Third line

        // Asks for input, scans input for position and character to use
        printf("Choose a position and character, without spaces.\n");
        scanf_s("%i%c", &pos, &given,1);

        // sets the character on the gameboard.
        gameBoard[(pos-1)/3][(pos-1)%3] = given;
    } // End for - game should be over
    return 0;

如果將scanf_s更改為scanf則此代碼在Linux上似乎可以運行。 我沒有Windows系統可以在此處進行測試,但我認為scanf_s函數調用無法正常進行。

根據這里: http : //faculty.edcc.edu/paul.bladek/CS131/scanf_s.htm

Unlike scanf,  scanf_s  requires the buffer size to be specified for all input 
parameters of type c, C, s, S, or [. The buffer size is passed as an additional 
parameter immediately following the pointer to the buffer or variable


scanf_s("%i%c",&pos, &given, 1);



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