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[英]How to close a global dialog and display another in BlackBerry?

當中間時間大於或等於4分鍾時,我需要顯示一個消息對話框。 如果空閑時間大於或等於5分鍾,那么我需要關閉第一個對話框並推送另一個應在5秒后自動關閉的對話框。


public static RealtimeClockListener clockListenerTest = new RealtimeClockListener() {
                public void clockUpdated() {
                        int _4Minutes = 60 * 4;
                        int _5Minutes = 60 * 5;
                        Dialog dialog4Minutes = new Dialog("Stay Logged In?", new String[] {"SI", "NO"}, new int[]{1,2}, 2, null);
                        dialog4Minutes.setDialogClosedListener(new DialogClosedListener() {
                                public void dialogClosed(Dialog dialog, int choice) {
                        Dialog dialog5Minutes = new Dialog("You will be disconnected", new String[] {"OK"}, new int[]{1}, 1, null);
                        dialog5Minutes.setDialogClosedListener(new DialogClosedListener() {
                                public void dialogClosed(Dialog dialog, int choice) {
                        synchronized (UiApplication.getEventLock()) {
                                UiEngine ui = Ui.getUiEngine();
                                if(DeviceInfo.getIdleTime()>=_4Minutes && DeviceInfo.getIdleTime() < _5Minutes){
                                        ui.pushGlobalScreen(dialog4Minutes, 1,UiEngine.GLOBAL_QUEUE);
                                }else if(DeviceInfo.getIdleTime()>=_5Minutes){
                                        ui.pushGlobalScreen(dialog5Minutes, 1,UiEngine.GLOBAL_QUEUE);


如何使else子句中的代碼正常工作? 5秒后如何關閉第二個對話框? 我當時正在考慮使用計時器,但我不知道這是否是最佳方法。


我認為您的代碼中存在一個簡單的編碼錯誤,這可能是導致您的問題的原因。 每次您通過clockUpdated()時,都會創建一個新的dialog4Minutes。 因此,當您使用dialog4Minutes.close()關閉它時,實際上是在關閉剛剛創建的一個,而不是正在顯示的那個。 這是一些示例(未編譯,未經測試)替換代碼,它們指示我將如何執行此操作:

public static RealtimeClockListener clockListenerTest = new RealtimeClockListener() {
    int _4Minutes = 60 * 4;
    int _5Minutes = 60 * 5;
    Dialog dialog4Minutes = null;
    Dialog dialog5Minutes = null;
    public void clockUpdated() {
        synchronized (UiApplication.getEventLock()) {
            UiEngine ui = Ui.getUiEngine();
            if ( DeviceInfo.getIdleTime() < _4Minutes ){
                // Shouldn't be needed - this is just for safety
                if ( dialog4Minutes != null ) {
                    dialog4Minutes = null;
            if ( DeviceInfo.getIdleTime() < _5Minutes ){
                // Shouldn't be needed - this is just for safety
                if ( dialog5Minutes != null ) {
                    dialog5Minutes = null;
            if ( DeviceInfo.getIdleTime() >= _4Minutes && DeviceInfo.getIdleTime() < _5Minutes ) {
                if ( dialog4Minutes == null ) {
                    // 4 minute Dialog has not been pushed yet
                    dialog4Minutes = new Dialog("Stay Logged In?", new String[] {"SI", "NO"}, new int[]{1,2}, 2, null);
                    ui.pushGlobalScreen(dialog4Minutes, 1,UiEngine.GLOBAL_QUEUE);
            } else if ( DeviceInfo.getIdleTime()>=_5Minutes ) {
                if ( dialog5Minutes == null ) {
                    // 5 minute Dialog has not been pushed yet
                    dialog5Minutes = new Dialog("You will be disconnected", new String[] {"OK"}, new int[]{1}, 1, null);
                    ui.pushGlobalScreen(dialog5Minutes, 1,UiEngine.GLOBAL_QUEUE);
                    if ( dialog4Minutes != null ) {
                        dialog4Minutes = null;


關於另一個問題,關於如何處理5秒后的關閉,請查看Timer類。 如果用戶確實承認Dialog,則必須編寫setDialogClosedListener(在示例中已被我忽略)的代碼才能采取措施。


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