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使用Perl中的Win32 :: OLE生成Excel輸出

[英]Generate Excel output using Win32::OLE in Perl

我是Perl的初學者,並嘗試過使用Perl來了解它的方法和工作! 我對arays,哈希和相關主題有基本的了解。 我必須為一個主題開發一個腳本,我不確定如何去做。 我非常需要幫助,非常感謝能夠解釋'怎么做'部分的人!

我有一個包含3個部分的代碼,它為3個不同的組件做三次相同的事情。 基本思想是,它從excel文件中獲取標記為“A”的所有組件,遍歷excel文件,將相應的RAM和ROM值相加,並打印出沒有重復條目的輸出。 第2和第3部分是相同的,但對於組件'B'和'C'。 到目前為止,我能夠在文本文件中打印出所有3個部分的輸出。 但是現在我希望excel工作簿中的所有三個輸出都是3個獨立的工作表!

我不是特別肯定如何去做。 真的很受歡迎!

PS:如果我沒有在論壇中輸入代碼,請原諒我! 這是我的第一篇文章!!


# This Test script was created to try out the possible methods to extract all the Names from the
# excel report without duplicate entries and find their corresponding RAM/ROM size sum

# -excel D:\Abc\Test.xlsx  -out D:\Abc\Output

sub usage($) 
   return shift(@_) . <<"END_USAGE";
   Usage: $0 -excel               Specify the file path.
                -out outputdirectory  Specify output directiory             

use Getopt::Long;
use Win32::OLE;
use List::Util qw(sum);
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);

my $output_path = ();
my $excel_path = ();
my $no_rows = ();
my $lastCol = ();

GetOptions("excel=s"   =>   \$excel_path,
                 "out=s" =>   \$output_path,
           "h|help" =>   \$help,

#help message
die usage("") if ($help);
print "\n*******************************************************************\n";
print "Component Overview \n";
print "*******************************************************************\n";
print "Please wait, Processing may take couple of minutes... \n";

##File handler for the script file.
$log_path = $output_path."\\log.txt";
$output_file_path = $output_path."\\TestExcel.xlsx";
open LogFile,">",$log_path or die "Cannot create the log file:$log_path !!!";
print LogFile "Start time :".localtime()."\n";

# Start Excel and make it visible
my $xlApp = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') || Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', 'Quit');  
$xlApp->{Visible} = 0;

#Opening the work book
my $workBook = $xlApp->Workbooks->Open($excel_path);
#print "X: " . $workBook . " - " . $excel_path . "\n";
my $excelSheet = $workBook->Worksheets("Report");

print "Reading the file...\n";

print LogFile "Completed time :".localtime()."\n";
print "\nCompleted.Please close this window...\n" ;
print "*******************************************************************\n";

# Sub routine to parse the cosipa file
sub ReadExcel()
my $row_index;
#Findings the number of valid rows
$no_rows = $excelSheet->UsedRange->Rows->{'Count'};
$lastCol = $excelSheet->UsedRange->Columns->{'Count'};
$row_index = findRowindex();
my @comp_array = ();

# Name => ResourceType => size
my $resultData = {};

for(my $index=($row_index+1);$index<=$no_rows;$index++)
                            my $X =  $excelSheet->Cells($index,6)->Value();
            my $Y =  $excelSheet->Cells($index,7)->Value();
            my $name = $excelSheet->Cells($index,9)->Value();
            my $resourceType = $excelSheet->Cells($index,3)->Value();
            my $size = $excelSheet->Cells($index,2)->Value();

            #Name Overview                              
            my $currNameTypeMap;

            if ( ! exists $resultNameData->{ $name } )          # ->: arrow operator is used to dereference reference to arrays or hashes.
                    $resultNameData->{ $name } = {};
            $currNameTypeMap = $resultNameData->{ $name };

            $currNameTypeMap->{ $resourceType } += $size;       

            # Y Overview
            my $currYTypeMap;

            if ( ! exists $resultYData->{ $Y } )            # ->: arrow operator is used to dereference reference to arrays or hashes.
                    $resultYData->{ $cluster } = {};
            $currYTypeMap = $resultYData->{ $Y };

            $currYTypeMap->{ $resourceType } += $size;  

            # X Overview
            my $currXTypeMap;

            if ( ! exists $resultXData->{ $X } )            # ->: arrow operator is used to dereference reference to arrays or hashes.
                    $resultXData->{ $X } = {};
            $currXTypeMap = $resultXData->{ $X };

            $currXTypeMap->{ $resourceType } += $size;      

    my @uniqNameArr = sort keys %$resultNameData;

    my @uniqYArr = sort keys %$resultYData;

    my @uniqXArr = sort keys %$resultXData;

            for my $currName ( @uniqNameArr )
                print $currName . "\n". " RAM: " . $resultNameData->{ $currName }-> { "RAM" } . ", ROM: " . $resultNameData->{ $currName }-> { "ROM" } . "\n";
                #print Dumper %$resultData;

            print "----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n";

            for my $currY ( @uniqYArr )
                print $currY. "\n". " RAM: " . $resultYData->{ $currY }-> { "RAM" } . ", ROM: " . $resultYData->{ $currY }-> { "ROM" } . "\n";

            print "------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n";

            for my $currX ( @uniqXArr )
                print $currX . "\n". " RAM: " . $resultXData->{ $currX }-> { "RAM" } . ", ROM: " . $resultXData->{ $currX }-> { "ROM" } . "\n";


#Sub routine to find the starting row index
sub findRowindex()
my $ret = ();
for(my $index=1;$index<$no_rows;$index++)
        my $cel_value = $excelSheet->Cells($index,1)->Value();
        if($cel_value =~ m/^Name$/i)
            $ret = $index;
return $ret;


#Trim function
sub trim {
(my $s = $_[0]) =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $s;        


解決方法:您可以使用Excel :: Writer :: XLSX來創建Excel文件,它工作正常且非常健壯。 以下是將標簽分隔文件轉換為Excel的方法。

閱讀excel:Spreadsheet :: XLSX

use Text::Iconv;
my $converter = Text::Iconv -> new ("utf-8", "windows-1251");

use Spreadsheet::XLSX;
my $excel = Spreadsheet::XLSX -> new ('test.xlsx', $converter);
foreach my $sheet (@{$excel -> {Worksheet}}) {
        printf("Sheet: %s\n", $sheet->{Name});
        $sheet -> {MaxRow} ||= $sheet -> {MinRow};
         foreach my $row ($sheet -> {MinRow} .. $sheet -> {MaxRow}) {       
                $sheet -> {MaxCol} ||= $sheet -> {MinCol};              
                foreach my $col ($sheet -> {MinCol} ..  $sheet -> {MaxCol}) {     
                        my $cell = $sheet -> {Cells} [$row] [$col];
                        if ($cell) {
                            printf("( %s , %s ) => %s\n", $row, $col, $cell -> {Val});


編寫excel:Excel :: Writer :: XLSX

my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( $xls_filename );
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet('data');
# Create a format for the headings
my $header_format = $workbook->add_format();
$header_format->set_size( 18 );
$header_format->set_color( 'black' );
$header_format->set_align( 'center' );
my $row=0;
while (my $line = <$fh>){
    my @cols = split(/\t/,$line);
    for(my $col=0;$col<@cols;$col++){
        if ($row == 0 ){
            $worksheet->write_string( $row, $col, $cols[$col],$header_format );
        } else {
            $worksheet->write_string( $row, $col, $cols[$col] );




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