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試圖用C ++打印數組的內容

[英]Trying to print the contents of an array in C++

我正在使用一個函數來填充文本文件中的數組。 據我所知,數組填充正常,但是當我使用cout打印數組時,我收到很多錯誤,表示文件中的數據無法轉換為不同的數據類型(如果這些錯誤是要求,評論讓我知道)。


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct plane //strcutre of plane data to use
string name;
string direction;
int id;
int coordX;
int coordY;
int height;
int speed;


int populate (plane planeArray[5])
string name, direction;
int id, coordX, coordY, height, speed, i;
ifstream infile;                              //declare input file stream
infile.open("plane_data.txt");                //opens file
if (!infile)
    cout << "File cannot be reached";         //checks for invalid file path

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
    infile >> planeArray.name[i];
    infile >> planeArray.direction[i];
    infile >> planeArray.id[i];
    infile >> planeArray.coordX[i];
    infile >> planeArray.coordY[i];
    infile >> planeArray.height[i];
    infile >> planeArray.speed[i];




void text_display(plane planeArray[5])
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    cout << planeArray[i].name << endl;
    cout << planeArray[i].id << endl;
    cout << planeArray[i].coordX << endl;
    cout << planeArray[i].coordY << endl;
    cout << planeArray[i].height << endl;
    cout << planeArray[i].speed << endl;

int main() {

plane planeArray[5];
populate( planeArray);
//text_display( planesArray);




你正試圖打印類plane的對象,就在這里: cout << planeArray[i] << endl; 編譯器給你錯誤,因為它根本不知道如何做到這一點。 根據您的要求,您可以將行更改為:

cout << &planeArray[i] << endl;


cout << planeArray[i].name << endl;
cout << planeArray[i].direction << endl;
cout << planeArray[i].id << endl;
cout << planeArray[i].coordX << endl;
cout << planeArray[i].coordY << endl;
cout << planeArray[i].height << endl;
cout << planeArray[i].speed << endl;


而且,如果你想按照自己的方式去做(這當然是可能的),你可以告訴編譯器如何做到這一點。 只需定義一個重載operator<<

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const plane& myObject){
    // here goes the code from above
    return os;
cout << planeArray[i] << endl;
            -> of type 'struct plane'

由於你沒有重載<< for struct plane ,你不能直接把它放在<<之后。


cout << planeArray[i].name << endl;
cout << planeArray[i].speed << endl;



for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
    infile >> name;    // you read the data, but then throw them away...
    infile >> speed;

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
    infile >> planeArray[i].name;
    infile >> planeArray[i].speed;

該程序有幾個錯誤。 讓我們從輔助功能開始。

int populate (plane planeArray[5])
    string name, direction;
    int id, coordX, coordY, height, speed, i;
    ifstream infile;                              //declare input file stream
    infile.open("plane_data.txt");                //opens file
    if (!infile)
        cout << "File cannot be reached";         //checks for invalid file path

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        infile >> name;
        infile >> direction;
        infile >> id;
        infile >> coordX;
        infile >> coordY;
        infile >> height;
        infile >> speed;


首先,此函數需要額外的參數來報告數組中的元素數量。 問題是這些函數聲明是等效的

int populate (plane planeArray[5]);
int populate (plane planeArray[10]);
int populate (plane planeArray[]);
int populate (plane *planeArray);


int populate (plane planeArray[, int n );



    if (!infile)
        cout << "File cannot be reached";         //checks for invalid file path

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        infile >> name;
        // other stuff

該函數聲明為返回類型為int但它不返回任何內容。 我會聲明它具有voidbool返回類型

bool populate (plane planeArray[], int n );

在循環中,您將在局部變量中輸入數據。 陣列本身沒有改變。


bool populate (plane planeArray[], int n );
    ifstream infile( "plane_data.txt" );

    if ( !infile )
        cout << "File cannot be reached";         //checks for invalid file path
        return false;

    for ( int i = 0; infile && i < n; i++ )
        infile >> planeArray[i].name;
        infile >> planeArray[i].direction;
        infile >> planeArray[i].id;
        infile >> planeArray[i].coordX;
        infile >> planeArray[i].coordY;
        infile >> planeArray[i].height;
        infile >> planeArray[i].speed;

    return ( true );


void text_display(plane planeArray[5])
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        cout << planeArray[i] << endl;

結構平面沒有重載運算符<< so this statement

        cout << planeArray[i] << endl;

是無效的。 編譯器在解析此語句時將發出錯誤。


void text_display( plane planeArray[], int n )
    for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        cout << planeArray[i].name << endl;
        cout << planeArray[i].direction << endl;;
        cout << planeArray[i].id << endl;;
        cout << planeArray[i].coordX << endl;;
        cout << planeArray[i].coordY << endl;;
        cout << planeArray[i].height << endl;;
        cout << planeArray[i].speed << endl;;
        cout << endl;


int main() 
    const int N = 5;
    plane planeArray[N] = {};

    populate( planeArray, N );
    text_display( planesArray, N );

在閉合支撐后不需要放置分號。 否則它在任何函數之外都是空的bstatement。


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