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C ++使用開始和結束定界符解析std :: string

[英]C++ parse std::string with begin and end delimiters

我看到只有一個限制器的許多解決方案,但我需要進行一些解析才能解析此$ deli:entry:deli $。 在進入之前和之后都有一個限制器。 有人有主意嗎?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

std:string delimiterOpen    = ("$deli:");
std:string delimiterClose   = (":deli$");
std::vector<std:string> vec;

std:string str ("start $deli:foo:deli$ something else $deli:baa:deli$ doesnt matter");

// calculate

//this should be the vector contend:


#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::string delimiterOpen    = ("$deli:");
    std::string delimiterClose   = (":deli$");
    std::vector<std::string> vec;

    std::string str ("start $deli:foo:deli$ something else $deli:baa:deli$ doesnt matter");
    int pos1=0,pos2=0;
    while ( (pos1=str.find(delimiterOpen,pos2))!=std::string::npos ){
        if( (pos2=str.find(delimiterClose,pos1))==std::string::npos){
            //error start without end...
            int start=pos1+delimiterOpen.size();
            int length = pos2-start;
            std::string val = str.substr(start,length);

    return 0;

您可以使用正則表達式。 或者,您可以將簡單的std :: string :: find方法與std :: string :: substr方法一起使用。 像這樣:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    string delimiterOpen    = ("$deli:");
    string delimiterClose   = (":deli$");
    vector<string> vec;

    string str("start $deli:foo:deli$ something else $deli:baa:deli$ doesnt matter");

    size_t posOpen = 0;
        string lexeme;
        posOpen = str.find(delimiterOpen, posOpen);
        if (posOpen != string::npos)
            posOpen += delimiterOpen.length();

            size_t posClose = str.find(delimiterClose, posOpen);
            if (posClose != string::npos)
                lexeme = str.substr(posOpen, posClose - posOpen);
    } while (posOpen != string::npos);

    vector<string>::iterator it;
    for (it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it)
        cout << it->c_str() << endl;

    return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

string delimiterOpen    = ("$deli:");
string delimiterClose   = (":deli$");
int shift = delimiterOpen.size();
vector<string> vec;

string str ("start $deli:foo:deli$ something else $deli:baa:deli$ doesnt matter");

int main() {
vector<string> founds;
int firstPos = str.find(delimiterOpen);
  while (firstPos != string::npos) {
      int lastPos = str.find(delimiterClose, firstPos);
      if (lastPos!=string::npos) {
         founds.push_back(str.substr(firstPos+shift, lastPos-firstPos-shift));
      firstPos = str.find(delimiterOpen, (lastPos==string::npos? firstPos+1:lastPos+1));

  for (vector<string>::iterator it = founds.begin(); it!=founds.end();it++) {
  return 0;
void parse(const string& str, 
           const string& delOpen, 
           const string& delClose
           vector<string>& founds /*out*/;)
  const string::size_type 
    szOpen (delOpen.sise()), 

  string::size_type p1 (str.find(delOpen));

  while(p1!=string::npos) {
    string::size_type p2(p1==string::npos ? p1 : str.find(delClose, p1+szOpen));
    founds.push_back(str.substr(p1+szOpen, p2));
    p1 = p2==string::npos ? p2 : str.find(dOpen, p2+szClose);



#include <boost/spirit/home/qi.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
using std::vector;
using namespace qi;

template <typename Iterator = std::string::const_iterator>
struct my_parser : grammar<Iterator, vector<std::string>(), blank_type>
  my_parser(const std::string &openingDelim, const std::string &closingDelim) : my_parser::base_type(query)
    open = openingDelim;
    close = closingDelim;
    beforeOpen = *(char_ - open);
    afterOpen = *(char_ - close);
    //when synthesizing the resulting attribute, ignore everything before openingDelim and after closingDelim
    query = (omit[beforeOpen >> open] >> afterOpen >> omit[close]) % beforeOpen;
  rule<Iterator, vector<std::string>(), blank_type> query;
  rule<Iterator, std::string(), blank_type> open, close, beforeOpen, afterOpen;

int main()
  my_parser<> p("$deli:", ":deli$");
  std::string s("start $deli:foo:deli$ something else $deli:baa:deli$ doesnt matter");
  vector<std::string> result;
  bool b = phrase_parse(s.begin(), s.end(), p, blank, result);


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