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[英]How to see the SOAP request and response generated for my Java program

通過遵循一個使用JAX-WS的示例,我已經創建了Java Web服務及其客戶端程序。


import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import java.util.Random;

public interface RandService {
    public int next1();

    public int[] nextN(final int n);


import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import java.util.Random;

@WebService(endpointInterface = "rand2.RandService")
public class RandImpl implements RandService {
    private static final int maxRands = 16;

    public int next1() {
        return new Random().nextInt();

    public int[] nextN(final int n) {
        final int k = (n > maxRands) ? maxRands : Math.abs(n);
        int[] rands = new int[k];
        Random r = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
            rands[i] = r.nextInt();
        return rands;


import client.RandServiceService;
import client.RandService;
import java.util.List;

public class RandClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // set-up
        RandServiceService service = new RandServiceService();
        RandService port = service.getRandServicePort();
        // sample calls
        List<Integer> nums = port.nextN(4);
        for (Integer num : nums)

程序運行良好,但是如何查看為程序內部生成的SOAP請求和SOAP響應? 請幫助我獲取這些詳細信息。

使用tcpmon ,盡管不再支持

SoapUI是ws測試的父親。 http://www.soapui.org

SoapUI OpenSource(免費)將向您顯示客戶端和服務器端的SOAP XML。 使用此工具,您將絕對從服務器端看到響應SOAP XML。 如果您只想試用zip存檔版本,請下載它。 (我通過設置JAVA_HOME並單擊SoapUI / bin / soapui.bat來啟動SoapUI的ZIP版本。


1. Open SoapUI
 2. Create a Project

 3. Provide the path to your WSDL file. (If well-formed you will see the operations in your new project a tree control).

 4. Open the tree node to an operation and create a SoapUI request template
        a. Select the operation
                1) Right->Click "New Request" 
        b. Name the Request (new node for Request appears in tree)
 5. Run a test for your operation.
        a. Use the property editor below the tree
                1) Provide any arguments 
                2) Provide any authentication
        b. Right-Click on the Request
                1) "Show Request Editor"
  5. Ponder your SOAP request envelope XML (on left)
  6. Click on the run arrow
        a. Ponder your SOAP response (on right)



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