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更改Windows中Sublime Text 2打開的R版本

[英]Change the R version opened by Sublime Text 2 - in Windows

我的問題是我想從ST2使用R 3.0.2運行R腳本。

安裝ST2時,我使用增強型R軟件包對其進行了配置,以便能夠從ST2運行R腳本。 使用R 2.15.2完成連接。 現在,我想從ST2自動運行R 3.0.2。 我沒有設法通過嘗試修改首選項>程序包設置>增強型R> Sublime Text 2中建議的設置默認值來使它起作用, 並且R是設置用戶中的修改腳本:

"default_extend_env": {"PATH": "{PATH};C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.0.2\\bin\\i386"}  


"osx" : {
    // R / R64 / Terminal / iTerm
    "App" : "R"
    // path to Rscript binary
    // "Rscript" : "/usr/bin/Rscript",

"windows" : {
    // R32 / R64
    "App" : "R64"

    // path to R binary
    // "R32" : "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.0.2\\bin\\i386\\Rgui.exe",
    // "R64" : "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.0.2\\bin\\x64\\Rgui.exe",

    // path to Rscript binary
    // "Rscript" : "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.0.2\\bin\\x64\\Rscript.exe",

"linux": {
    // tmux / screen
    "App" : "tmux"

    // path
    // "tmux" : "tmux",
    // "screen" : "screen",

    // path to Rscript binary
    // "Rscript" : "",

// auto advance lines after sending command
"r_auto_advance": true,

// auto completions
"r_auto_completions": true,

// a list of packages which functions will show in the status bar
// "default_pkgs": ["base", "graphics", "grDevices", "methods", "stats", "utils"],

// a list of extensions
"extensions": ["r", "R", "s", "S", ".Rprofile"]

//  Allows for  '.' in R object names
// "word_separators": "/\\()\"‘-:,;~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`~?"

有人可以幫助我找到實現的方法嗎? 謝謝

打開Preferences -> Package Settings -> Enhanced R -> Settings-User ,並將其內容替換為以下內容:

    "windows" : {
        // R32 / R64
        "App" : "R64",

        // path to R binary
        // "R32" : "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.0.2\\bin\\i386\\Rgui.exe",
        "R64" : "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.0.2\\bin\\x64\\Rgui.exe",

        // path to Rscript binary
        "Rscript" : "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.0.2\\bin\\x64\\Rscript.exe"

    // auto advance lines after sending command
    "r_auto_advance": true,

    // auto completions
    "r_auto_completions": true,

    // a list of packages which functions will show in the status bar
    // "default_pkgs": ["base", "graphics", "grDevices", "methods", "stats", "utils"],

    // a list of extensions
    "extensions": ["r", "R", "s", "S", ".Rprofile"],

    //  Allows for  '.' in R object names
    "word_separators": "/\\()\"‘-:,;~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`~?"

您將需要確保Rgui.exeRscript.exe二進制文件的路徑正確。 請注意,這是在使用64位R的64位系統上。如果在32位系統上,請使用以下代碼:

    "windows" : {
        // R32 / R64
        "App" : "R32",

        // path to R binary
        "R32" : "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.0.2\\bin\\i386\\Rgui.exe",
        // "R64" : "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.0.2\\bin\\x64\\Rgui.exe",

        // path to Rscript binary
        "Rscript" : "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.0.2\\bin\\i386\\Rscript.exe"

    // auto advance lines after sending command
    "r_auto_advance": true,

    // auto completions
    "r_auto_completions": true,

    // a list of packages which functions will show in the status bar
    // "default_pkgs": ["base", "graphics", "grDevices", "methods", "stats", "utils"],

    // a list of extensions
    "extensions": ["r", "R", "s", "S", ".Rprofile"],

    //  Allows for  '.' in R object names
    "word_separators": "/\\()\"‘-:,;~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`~?"



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