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使用正則表達式的jQuery Validation插件自定義方法

[英]jQuery Validation plugin custom method using regex

我需要為jQuery Validator創建一個新方法,不知道從哪里開始。

我想檢查輸入的電子郵件是否包含:'@ specificdomain.com'。

但這也是投入的最后一部分。 例如@ specificdomain.comChris不會這樣做。

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery.validator.addMethod("mustinclude", function(value, element) {
        return this.optional(element) || value == ?
        }, "must include @specificdomain.com at the end of the text input");

    $(document).ready(function(){ .....

到目前為止,我只遇到了值== value.match(),因此這就是我遇到的問題。


        jQuery.validator.addMethod('matchDomain', function(value, element) {
        var s=value;
        var split = s.split('@');
        var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-])+$/;
        var s2="@allcoles.com";
        var optionalValue = this.optional(element);

        if (optionalValue) {
            return optionalValue;
        if(regex.test(split[0]) && s2.equals(split[1]))
            return true;
            return false;
        }, 'Please specify a @allcoles.com email');     
var s="abc@specificdomain.com";  OR  var s=value;
var split = s.split('@');
var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-])/;
var s2="@specificdomain.com";

if(regex.test(split[0]) &&  s2 == split[1])

       return true;
         return false;


jQuery.validator.addMethod('matchDomain', function(value, element) {
        var s=value;
        var split = s.split('@');
        var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-])+$/;
        **var s2="allcoles.com";**                  //The split array is the domain excluding the @
        **var optionalValue = this.optional(element);** //This is how other methods in alternativeMethods.js Validator handle this.

        **//Debugging - This is useful to see visually what is happening
        //alert(split[0]);  // Shows the inputted username i.e chris or smokey
        //alert(split[1]);  // Shows the inputted domain
        //alert(regex.test(split[0]));  //Shows unfilled inputs problem or bad characters, true if good, false if bad
        //alert(s2 == split[1]);**  // Shows if the inputted domain matches variable s2, if it does we get a true

        if (optionalValue) {
            return optionalValue;
        **if(regex.test(split[0]) && (s2 == split[1]))**  // has to be == not equals
            return true;
            return false;
        }, 'Please specify a @allcoles.com email');


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