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[英]Expected an indented block


        #Given the menu the user will calculate the area of square, circle, rectangle
from math import pi
def main ():

    #declare and initialize variables

    #float radius = length = width = base = height = 0.0
    radius = length = width = base = height = 0.0

    #float areaCircle = areaRectangle = areaTriangle = 0.0
    areaCircle = areaRectangle = areaTriangle = 0.0

    #int menuChoice = 0
    menuChoice = 0

    #display intro

    while menuChoice != 4:
            #Display menu
            print("Geometry Calculator")
            print("1) Calculate the Area of a Circle")
            print("2) Calculate the Area of a Rectangle")
            print("3) Calculate the Area of a Triangle")
            print("4) Quit")

            #Prompt for menuChoice

            if menuChoice == 1:
                while radius < 0:
                    #prompt for radius
                    radius = eval(input("What is radius of circle: "))
                if radius < 0:
                    #display invalid
                    print("Invalid input. Cannot be a negative value.")
                    #calculate areaCircle
                    areaCircle = pi*r**2
                    #display areaCircle
                    print("The area of the circle is: ", areaCircle)

            elif menuChoice == 2:
                while length < 0:
                    #prompt for length
                    length = eval(input("What is the length of the rectangle: "))
                if length < 0:
                    #display invalid
                    print("Invalid input. Cannot be a negative value.")
                while width < 0:
                    #prompt for width
                    width = eval(input("What is the width of the rectangle: "))
                if width < 0:
                    #display invalid
                    print("Invalid input. Cannot be a negative value.")
                    #calculate areaRectangle
                    areaRectangle = length * width
                    #diplay areaRectangle
                    print("The area of the rectangle is: ", areaRectangle)

            elif menuChoice == 3:
                while base < 0:
                    #prompt for base
                    base = eval(input("What is the length of the base of the triangle:"))
                if base < 0:
                   #display invalid
                    print("Invalid input. Cannot be a negative value.")
                while height < 0:
                    #prompt for height
                    height = eval(input("What is height of triangle"))
                if height < 0:
                    #display invalid
                    print("Invalid input. Cannot be a negative value.")
                    #calculate areaTriangle
                    areaTriangle = 1/2 * base * height
                    #display areaTriangle
                    print("The area of the triangle is: ", areaTriangle)

            elif menuChoice == 4:
                #display exit message

                #display invalid
                print("You must choose a number between 1-4 from the menu")

錯誤在其他地方彈出。 我嘗試一次縮進一個,可能有點小,我在編程的第三周就忽略了。

最后的elif塊需要某種占位符。 您可以使用標准的Python non-op, pass

elif menuChoice == 4:
    #display exit message

我假設它將最終被其他一些代碼替換,因此如果您繼續工作,該問題將自行解決。 如果您打算在此塊中放置任何內容,請完全省略。 不需要執行任何操作的條件分支。

這是最后一行(#display退出消息)。 添加正確縮進的pass語句,直到您知道在這里做什么。 您在這里需要一個實際的python語句,而不是注釋。


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