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[英]drupal panels ipe toolbar

我向面板ipe工具欄添加了自定義按鈕。 僅當您具有正確的權限以及該頁面為面板化頁面時,才會顯示工具欄。 我還想顯示其他頁面的ipe工具欄,其中包含該頁面的選項卡(查看/編輯/開發/翻譯)。 可能嗎?

是的,這是可能的。 在我的一個項目中,我也有類似的需求。 我在自定義模塊中所做的是:

  1. 當按鈕不存在時,使用hook_page_alter添加ipe工具欄(面板IPE在按鈕存在時將其添加)
  2. 使用hook_theme_registry_alter來使用我自己的模板函數,而不要使用Panels IPE提供的模板函數。
  3. 創建一個自定義主題功能,添加我的自定義按鈕


 * Implements of hook_page_alter()
function MYMODULE_page_alter(&$page) {
  // Check if Panels IPE is turned on.
  if (!module_exists('panels_ipe'))

  // Let Panels IPE add the buttons if they exist > If there are no buttons
  // then we'll still add the toolbar anyway.
  $buttons = &drupal_static('panels_ipe_toolbar_buttons', array());
  if (!empty($buttons)) {

  $output = theme('panels_ipe_toolbar', array('buttons' => $buttons));

  $page['page_bottom']['panels_ipe'] = array(
    '#markup' => $output,

 * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
function MYMODULE_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
  // Check if Panels IPE is turned on.
  if (!module_exists('panels_ipe'))
  // Inject our own theme function instead of the one from Panels IPE
  $theme_registry['panels_ipe_toolbar']['function'] = 'theme_MYMODULE_panels_ipe_toolbar';

// This function is to be adjusted to add buttons and things.
function theme_MYMODULE_panels_ipe_toolbar($vars) {
  $buttons = $vars['buttons'];

  $output = "<div id='panels-ipe-control-container' class='clearfix'>";
  foreach ($buttons as $key => $ipe_buttons) {
    $output .= "<div id='panels-ipe-control-$key' class='panels-ipe-control'>";

    // Controls in this container will appear when the IPE is not on.
    $output .= '<div class="panels-ipe-button-container clearfix">';
    foreach ($ipe_buttons as $button) {
      $output .= is_string($button) ? $button : drupal_render($button);
    $output .= '</div>';

    // Controls in this container will appear when the IPE is on. It is usually
    // filled via AJAX.
    $output .= '<div class="panels-ipe-form-container clearfix"></div>';
    $output .= '</div>';

  $output .= "</div>";

  return $output;


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