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[英]JavaScript array to display different pictures on click not functioning as expected

我目前正在這樣做,以便當您單擊一個數字時,它上面的圖片將發生變化,最終這些圖片將根據其他輸入進行實時更新(如果有人有任何好的想法,即使這是另一個主題) ),這樣的想法是您可以瀏覽並單擊其中一張圖片以獲得更好的外觀。




<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeIt(objName)
    //The image object accessed through its id we mentioned in the DIV block which is going to be visible currently
    var obj = document.getElementById(objName);

    //An array that hold the IDs of images that we mentioned in their DIV blocks
    var objId = new Array();

    //Storing the image IDs into the array starts here
    objId[0] = "limage1";
    objId[1] = "limage2";
    objId[2] = "limage3";
    objId[3] = "limage4";
    objId[4] = "limage5";
    //Storing the image IDs into the array ends here

    //A counter variable going to use for iteration
    var i;

    //A variable that can hold all the other object references other than the object which is going to be visible
    var tempObj;

    //The following loop does the display of a single image based on its ID. The image whose ID we passed into this function will be the
    //only image that is displayed rest of the images will be hidden based on their IDs and that part has been handled by the else part
    //of the if statement within this loop.
        if(objName == objId[i])
            obj.style.display = "block";
            tempObj = document.getElementById(objId[i]);
            tempObj.style.display = "none"; 

<script type="text/javascript">
function changeIt(objName)
    //The image object accessed through its id we mentioned in the DIV block which is going to be visible currently
    var obj = document.getElementById(objName);

    //An array that hold the IDs of images that we mentioned in their DIV blocks
    var objId = new Array();

    //Storing the image IDs into the array starts here
    objId[0] = "rimage1";
    objId[1] = "rimage2";
    objId[2] = "rimage3";
    objId[3] = "rimage4";
    objId[4] = "rimage5";
    //Storing the image IDs into the array ends here

    //A counter variable going to use for iteration
    var j;

    //A variable that can hold all the other object references other than the object which is going to be visible
    var tempObj;

    //The following loop does the display of a single image based on its ID. The image whose ID we passed into this function will be the
    //only image that is displayed rest of the images will be hidden based on their IDs and that part has been handled by the else part
    //of the if statement within this loop.
        if(objName == objId[j])
            obj.style.display = "block";
            tempObj = document.getElementById(objId[j]);
            tempObj.style.display = "none"; 






   function changeItOut


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