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Freebase API(Python)的授權難題

[英]Authorization headaches for Freebase API (Python)


我發現的所有示例都使用簡單的/ api密鑰授權模型。 因此,我創建了一個Google Developer帳戶,創建了一個項目,並嘗試獲取Google所說的密鑰。 它要求我提供一個從中調用的數字IP地址列表。 不可行的,因為我沒有一個固定的IP(我必須設置DynDNS的,但這並不能幫助,因為谷歌不會采取一個域名,僅數字)。

因此,我嘗試了OAuth2,這對於我需要的功能來說是多余的(我不訪問任何非公共用戶數據)。 但是我什至找不到使用OAuth2 for Freebase的在線示例。 我嘗試調整其他示例,但是在Appengine,Decorator,一些過時的Python庫以及其他幾種方法之間跳來跳去之后,我一無所獲。

任何人都可以解釋或指出如何做到這一點的一個很好的例子(在授權上花費的時間比在我嘗試授權的應用程序上花費的時間多10倍)嗎? 使用OAuth2的有效示例,最好沒有多層“簡化” API; 或有關如何解決API密鑰授權的固定IP要求的技巧,將是很棒的。 謝謝!


我必須對Google雲端硬盤執行此操作,但據我所知,此方法適用於任何Google API。

在開發人員控制台中創建新的客戶ID時,您應該可以選擇創建服務帳戶。 這將創建一個公鑰/私鑰對,您可以使用它來進行身份驗證,而無需任何OAuth廢話。

我將此代碼從我們的GDrive庫中竊取了,因此它可能已損壞,並且是特定於GDrive的,因此您將需要用Freebase所需的內容替換任何顯示“ drive”的內容。


# Sample code that connects to Google Drive

from apiclient.discovery import build
import httplib2
from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials, VerifyJwtTokenError

SERVICE_EMAIL = "you@gmail.com"
PRIVATE_KEY_PATH ="./private_key.p12"

# Load private key
key = open(PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, 'rb').read()

# Build the credentials object
credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(SERVICE_EMAIL, key, scope='https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive')

  http = httplib2.Http()
  http = credentials.authorize(http)
except VerifyJwtTokenError as e:
  print(u"Unable to authorize using our private key: VerifyJwtTokenError, {0}".format(e))

connection = build('drive', 'v2', http=http)

# You can now use connection to call anything you need for freebase - see their API docs for more info. 


必須安裝庫urllib和json,以及來自https://code.google.com/p/google-api-python-client/downloads/list的代碼,必須為特定項目啟用“設置”計費功能自2014年4月起,Python已損壞。已記錄的“ freebase.readonly”范圍無效。

from apiclient.discovery import build
import httplib2
from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials, VerifyJwtTokenError

# Set up needed constants
SERVICE_EMAIL    = args.serviceEmail
PRIVATE_KEY_PATH = args.privateKeyFile
topicID          = args.topicID
query            = args.query
search_url       = 'https://www.googleapis.com/freebase/v1/search'
topic_url        = 'https://www.googleapis.com/freebase/v1/topic'
mql_url          = "https://www.googleapis.com/freebase/v1/mqlread"

key = open(PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, 'rb').read()
credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(SERVICE_EMAIL, key,
    http = httplib2.Http()
    http = credentials.authorize(http)
except VerifyJwtTokenError as e:
    print(u"Unable to authorize via private key: VerifyJwtTokenError, {0}".format(e))
connection = build('freebase', 'v1', http=http)

# Search for a topic by Freebase topic ID
#     https://developers.google.com/freebase/v1/topic-overview
params = { 'filter': 'suggest' }
url = topic_url + topicID + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
if (args.verbose): print("URL: " + url)
resp = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
if (args.verbose): print("Response: " + resp)
respJ = json.loads(resp)

print("Topic property(s) for '%s': " % topicID)
for property in respJ['property']:
    print('  ' + property + ':')
    for value in respJ['property'][property]['values']:
        print('    - ' + value['text'])


# Do a regular search
#     https://developers.google.com/freebase/v1/search-overview
params = { 'query': query }
url = search_url + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
if (args.verbose): print("URL: " + url)
resp = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
if (args.verbose): print("Response: " + resp)
respJ = json.loads(resp)

print("Search result for '%s': " % query)
theKeys = {}
for res in respJ['result']:
    print ("%-40s  %-15s %10.5f" %
        (res['name'], res['mid'], res['score']))
    params = '{ "id": "%s", "type": []}' % (res['mid'])
    # Run a query on the retrieved ID, to get its types:
    url = mql_url + '?query=' + params
    resp = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
    respJ = json.loads(resp)
    print("  Type(s): " + `respJ['result']['type']`)
    otherKeys = []
    for k in res:
        if (k not in ['name', 'mid', 'score']): otherKeys.append(k)
    if (len(otherKeys)): print("  Other keys: " + ", ".join(otherKeys))



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