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[英]Updated Variable in a While Loop

我有這個while循環,當用戶輸入費用大於交易金額時運行。 例如,如果費用是4美元,而您只支付2美元,它將表示您仍欠2美元,並提示您輸入更多付款。 問題是,如果付款仍然很短,我無法弄清楚如何在付款后更新可變交易。 在它要求再次付款之后,說您仍然短缺4美元,再支付1美元,這將使您總共獲得3美元,而程序應說您仍然短缺1美元。 盡管如此,該程序仍然說您短缺原始金額,即2美元。

while (transaction < feeSum)
    double underPay = feeSum - transaction;
    System.out.println("The transaction did not meet the fee by $" + underPay);
    System.out.println("Please enter another payment to complete the balance.");

    System.out.println("Enter a number of payments.");
    int paymentSize2 = keyboard.nextInt();
    double[] payments2 = new double[paymentSize2];

    System.out.println("Enter " + payments2.length + " payment(s).");
    double paymentSum2 = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < payments2.length; i++)
        payments2[i] = keyboard.nextDouble();
        paymentSum2 = paymentSum2 + payments[i];
        transaction +=  paymentSum2; //<<<<<<< Shouldn't this update transaction? 
    }   // The second time around it should say the trans did not meet fee by $1

    if (paymentSum2 == underPay)
        System.out.println("There is now no outstanding balance.");

我稍微修改了一下代碼,這可以工作,但是其中不包含您實現的所有額外內容。 我不太了解為什么需要這些數組。 如果您支付的費用超出您的預期,則此代碼將無法處理,但是可以在while循環的最后幾行中輕松實現。

double underPay = feeSum - transaction;
            while (underPay != 0) {
                System.out.println("The transaction did not meet the fee by $" + underPay);
                System.out.println("Please enter another payment to complete the balance.");
                int paymentSizeNext = keyboard.nextInt();
                underPay -= paymentSizeNext;

            System.out.println("There is now no outstanding balance.");


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