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[英]Overriding archetype templates in sbt-native-packager?

start-rpm-template不適用於SLES 11 SP3。

原因:Init.d /功能不可用

# Source function library.

. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions




src / main / scala / com / typesafe / sbt / packager / linux / Keys

val linuxMakeStartScript = TaskKey[Option[File]]("makeStartScript", "Creates or discovers the start script used by this project")
val linuxStartScriptTemplate = TaskKey[URL]("linuxStartScriptTemplate", "The location of the template start script file we use for debian (upstart or init.d")
val linuxEtcDefaultTemplate = TaskKey[URL]("linuxEtcDefaultTemplate", "The location of the /etc/default/<pkg> template script.")
val linuxJavaAppStartScriptBuilder = SettingKey[JavaAppStartScriptBuilder]("linuxJavaAppStartScriptBuilder", "Responsible for loading the start scripts. Only used with archetype.java_server")
val linuxScriptReplacements = SettingKey[Seq[(String, String)]]("linuxScriptReplacements",
  """|Replacements of template parameters used in linux scripts.
       |  Default supported templates:
       |  execScript - name of the script in /usr/bin
       |  author - author of this project
       |  descr - short description
       |  chdir - execution path of the script
       |  retries - on fail, how often should a restart be tried
       |  retryTimeout - pause between retries
       |  appName - name of application
       |  appClasspath - application classpath
       |  appMainClass - main class to start
       |  daemonUser - daemon user



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