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[英]MySQL Select rows that match multiple rows in related table


表 1 - Exercise_rolladex

Exercise_ID | Exercise_Name
1            Pushups
2            Turkish Get Ups
3            Squats
4            Ice Skater

表 2 - Exercise_planes

Exercise_Plane_ID | Exercise_Plane
1                  Sagittal
2                  Frontal
3                  Transverse

表 3 - Exercise_has_planes

Exercise_ID | Exercise_Plane_ID
1             1
2             1
2             2
2             3
3             1
4             2
4             3

我的問題是:我如何構建一個查詢,我可以在其中找到每個練習的 Exercise_ID,其中有 Exercise_Plane_ID=1 AND Exercise_Plane_ID=2。 換句話說,找到同時具有矢狀面和額狀面運動平面的練習。


   SELECT e.Exercise_Name, p.Exercise_Plane 
   FROM exercise_rolladex e
   INNER JOIN exercise_has_planes h ON h.Exercise_ID=e.Exercise_ID
   INNER JOIN exercise_planes p ON p.Exercise_Plane_ID=h.Exercise_Plane_ID
   WHERE p.Exercise_Plane_ID IN(2,1)
   GROUP BY e.Exercise_ID
   HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT h.Exercise_Plane_ID ) >= 2

更新后續問題那么我將如何包含排除項? 例如,找到帶有plane_id 2和3的練習,但排除帶有plane_id 1的練習(正確的結果是“溜冰者”)


   SELECT e.Exercise_Name, p.Exercise_Plane 
   FROM exercise_rolladex e
   INNER JOIN exercise_has_planes h ON h.Exercise_ID=e.Exercise_ID
   INNER JOIN exercise_planes p ON p.Exercise_Plane_ID=h.Exercise_Plane_ID
   WHERE p.Exercise_Plane_ID IN(2,3)
       AND e.Exercise_ID NOT IN
       (SELECT Exercise_ID FROM exercise_has_planes WHERE Exercise_Plane_ID='1')
   GROUP BY e.Exercise_ID
   HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT h.Exercise_Plane_ID ) >= 2

感謝 Brownstones 先生從一個不同的問題回答。 基於一個值排除項目的 SQL 查詢

你可以做這樣的事情,這將用你給定的輸入 id 檢查計划 id 並過濾掉每個練習組中的計數,如果計數返回超過 1,則意味着練習有平面,have 子句將滿足擁有兩個平面的場景在運動中

SELECT e.Exercise_Name, 
FROM exercise_rolladex e
INNER JOIN exercise_has_planes h ON h.Exercise_ID=e.Exercise_ID
INNER JOIN exercise_planes p ON p.Exercise_Plane_ID=h.Exercise_Plane_ID
WHERE p.Exercise_Plane_ID IN(2,1)
GROUP BY e.Exercise_ID
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT h.Exercise_Plane_ID ) >= 2



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