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Java - 為什么我們在構造函數中使用“this”關鍵字?

[英]Java - Why do we use the “this” keyword in constructors?

我試着環顧四周,但很難找到“這個”。 但我似乎無法掌握這兩者之間的區別

public class x{
int y = 0;
int z = 0;

x(int y, int z){
    y = y;
    z = z

public class x{
int y = 0;
int z = 0;

x(int y, int z){
    this.y = y;
    this.z = z;


y = y;
z = z;

您只是將局部變量分配給自己,而根本不觸及實例變量。 由於y引用局部變量,因此必須編寫this.y以引用要分配的實例變量。

如果不想修改變量,你可以通過使變量final來幫助捕獲這樣的錯誤。 例如:

x(final int y, final int z) {
    this.y = y;
    this.z = z;

如果你帶走了this. 前綴,您將收到編譯錯誤,因為無法更改局部變量yz

在Java中, this關鍵字表示類的當前實例化。 所以當你創建一個對象時:

x obj = new x();


如果您的類也包含包含同名局部變量的方法,那么Java Runtime環境(計算機)如何知道您指的是哪個yz 例如:

x(int y, int z){
    y = y; //Both z are just the local variables 
           //of this method and don't change the class.
    z = z; //Both z are just the local variables and dont affect class object


x(int y, int z){
    this.y = 50; //call this function sets the objects y value to 50
    z = z; //But nothing happens to the objects z value because the
           //Java Runtime enviornment sees the z and finds its nearest
           //scope which is the method its defined in and thus the local
           //variable gets set to itself and then deleted after the method
           //is called and the object's z value is not changed.


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