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[英]Reducing try-catch blocks in Java code to improve performance

我的任務是減少Java代碼中的try-catch塊以提高性能。 但是每個try塊都在檢查一種完全不同的異常以及自定義異常。 如何減少try-catch塊。


        // Get a test engine and use that to initialize and save the test
        // taker
        TestEngine testEngine = null;
        try {
            testEngine = objFactory.getTestEngine(login.getTestengine());
        } catch (NoTestEngineException e) {
            // Add an error message, then throw the exception to struts to
            // handle
            request.setAttribute("errmsg", "Cannot create test engine: " + login.getTestengine());
            request.setAttribute("errcause", "exception.notestengine.cause");

            throw e;

        //added for null check of variable testEngine
                    request.setAttribute("errmsg", "Could not obtain a testengine");

        // Do we need to save the session id?
        String saveSessionId = objFactory.getConfigValue("testengine." + login.getTestengine() + ".recordjessionid", "false");
        String sessionId = null;
        if (saveSessionId.trim().equals("true")) {
            sessionId = request.getSession().getId();

        Testtaker testTaker = null;
        try {
            testTaker = testEngine.buildTestTaker(login, null, sessionId, null, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {

            CaslsUtils.outputLoggingData(log_, request);

            // Add an error message, then throw the exception to struts to
            // handle
            request.setAttribute("errmsg", "Cannot build a test taker.");
            request.setAttribute("errcause", "exception.testtakerbuildfailed.cause");

            //throw new NoTestTakerException("Failed to build testtaker.");
            throw e;


try {
    TestEngine testEngine = objFactory.getTestEngine(login.getTestengine());

    //added for null check of variable testEngine
    if(testEngine==null) {
        request.setAttribute("errmsg", "Could not obtain a testengine");

    // Do we need to save the session id?
    String saveSessionId = objFactory.getConfigValue("testengine." + login.getTestengine() + ".recordjessionid", "false");
    String sessionId = null;
    if (saveSessionId.trim().equals("true")) {
        sessionId = request.getSession().getId();

    Testtaker testTaker = testEngine.buildTestTaker(login, null, sessionId, null, null);
} catch (NoTestEngineException e) {
    // Add an error message, then throw the exception to struts to
    // handle
    request.setAttribute("errmsg", "Cannot create test engine: " + login.getTestengine());
    request.setAttribute("errcause", "exception.notestengine.cause");

    throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {

    CaslsUtils.outputLoggingData(log_, request);

    // Add an error message, then throw the exception to struts to
    // handle
    request.setAttribute("errmsg", "Cannot build a test taker.");
    request.setAttribute("errcause", "exception.testtakerbuildfailed.cause");

    //throw new NoTestTakerException("Failed to build testtaker.");
    throw e;


TestEngine testEngine = null;
Testtaker testTaker = null;

try {
  testEngine = objFactory.getTestEngine(login.getTestengine()); 

  String saveSessionId = 
    objFactory.getConfigValue("testengine." + login.getTestengine() + ".recordjessionid", "false");

  String sessionId = saveSessionId.trim().equals("true") ? 
    request.getSession().getId() : null;

  testTaker = testEngine.buildTestTaker(login, null, sessionId, null, null);
catch (NoTestEngineException e) {
  // Add an error message, then throw the exception to struts to handle
  request.setAttribute("errmsg", "Cannot create test engine: " + login.getTestengine());
  request.setAttribute("errcause", "exception.notestengine.cause");

  throw e;
catch (Exception e) {

  CaslsUtils.outputLoggingData(log_, request);

  // Add an error message, then throw the exception to struts to handle
  request.setAttribute("errmsg", "Cannot build a test taker.");
  request.setAttribute("errcause", "exception.testtakerbuildfailed.cause");

  throw e;


 public void someMethod(... args) throws Exception {
    // taker
    TestEngine testEngine = objFactory.getTestEngine(login.getTestengine());

    // Do we need to save the session id?
    String saveSessionId = objFactory.getConfigValue("testengine." + login.getTestengine() + ".recordjessionid", "false");
    String sessionId = null;
    if (saveSessionId.trim().equals("true")) {
        sessionId = request.getSession().getId();

    Testtaker testTaker =  testEngine.buildTestTaker(login, null, sessionId, null, 


與C ++不同,try-catch-finally塊(異常)是Java的基本組成部分。 它們應該被正確使用和使用。 我也不認為它們對性能有重大影響; 即使您沒有抓住它們,它們也將被拋出(最終將被主線程抓住)。 但是出於美學原因,您可以對其進行重新組織,或者將單個方法用於整個方法,如下所示:

method() {
 try {
 } catch (Ex1 e1) {
 } catch (Ex2 e2) {
 } finally {


正如評論所指出的那樣,try / catch塊的數目不是問題,這是事實,您是如此頻繁地擊中它們。


例如,如果在調用getTestEngine()之后testEngine為null,則不會從該方法返回,但是您將在testEngine.buildTestTaker()之后立即獲得NPE,這將導致您的catch塊之一被擊中。 相反,如果testEngine為null,則應從方法中返回(帶有適當的錯誤代碼),以避免堆棧testEngine


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