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[英]Run a program multiple times in C

我是編程的新手,所以請原諒我的無知。 我在這個網站上沒有得到正確答案。 這可能是我無法搜索的。 在C中,我編寫了一個運行良好的代碼。 但我想在用戶希望的時間內運行代碼。 這意味着,假設在執行Triangle區域問題后,用戶可以反復運行該程序。 這需要做什么? 這是代碼:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

      char a;
      int base, hight, radius, length, width;
      float area, pi=3.14;
      printf("\n\tEnter T to execute the area of Triangle"
      "\n\tEnter R to execute the area of Rectangle"
      "\n\tEnter C to execute the area of Circle\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t");
      if(a=='T' || a=='t'){
                 printf("You want to know the Area of a Triangle."
                 "\n\tEnter your triangles Base: ");
                 scanf("%d", &base);

                 printf("\n\tEnter your triangles Hight: ");
                 scanf("%d", &hight);

                 printf("\n\tThe base is %d and the hight is %d." 
                 "So the area of your triangle is: \n\n\t\t\t\t", base,hight);

                 area= .5*base*hight;
                 printf("%f", area);

       else if(a=='R' || a=='r'){
                 printf("You want to know the Area of a Rectangle."
                 "\n\tEnter your rectangles Length: ");
                 scanf("%d", &length);

                 printf("\n\tEnter your rectangles Hight: ");
                 scanf("%d", &hight);

                 printf("\n\tThe length is %d and the hight is %d." 
                 "So the area of your Rectangle is: \n\n\t\t\t\t", length,hight);

                 area= length*hight;
                 printf("%f", area);

      else if(a=='C' || a=='c'){
                 printf("You want to know the Area of a Circle."
                 "\n\tEnter your circles Radius: ");
                 scanf("%d", &radius);

                 printf("\n\tThe Radius is %d." 
                 "So the area of your Circle is: \n\n\t\t\t\t", radius);

                 area= pi*radius*radius;
                 printf("%f", area);
            printf("Invalid Input");



引入一個布爾變量,比如說repeat 然后設置了一個無限循環dowhile一個重復只要repeat是真實的。 在計算之后,詢問用戶他或她是否願意繼續; 可以使用scanf讀取結果。 然后,相應地設置repeat ,這意味着一旦repeat變為false,就會終止無限循環。


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