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[英]Error in Swipe Gesture Recognizer during navigating from one page to other

當我單擊后退按鈕超過3次時,它會引發錯誤,而第一次單擊時效果更好。 我已經在第一頁上使用過SWIPE GESTURE RECOGNIZER,並將其拖到第二頁上,反之亦然,但是多次單擊后按鈕停止工作。 錯誤如下。

2014-05-26 11:07:07.319 Prototype[946:11303] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSGenericException', reason: 'Push segues can only be used when the source controller is managed by an instance of UINavigationController.'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x1c8c012 0x10c9e7e 0x466e71 0x458ad9 0x458b54 0x10dd705 0x14920 0x148b8 0xd5671 0xd5bcf 0xd4d38 0x4433f 0x44552 0x223aa 0x13cf8 0x1be7df9 0x1be7ad0 0x1c01bf5 0x1c01962 0x1c32bb6 0x1c31f44 0x1c31e1b 0x1be67e3 0x1be6668 0x1165c 0x201d 0x1f45)
libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception

您正在使用沒有導航欄的推送。 您是否在嘗試直接推送uitableview控制器? 產生相同的錯誤。


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