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[英]Writing a CASE statement in SQL to include multiple columns


  max(case when site_id = 1 then cast(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(salary, '$',''),' ',''), ',', '') as UNSIGNED) end) fd_salary,
  max(case when site_id = 2 then cast(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(salary, '$',''),' ',''), ',', '') as UNSIGNED) end) dd_salary,
  max(case when site_id = 3 then cast(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(salary, '$',''),' ',''), ',', '') as UNSIGNED) end) ss_salary
FROM mytable 
WHERE gamedate = '2014-07-01'
GROUP BY player_id;

這按預期工作。 我的mytable有一個salary列,我試圖在運行select語句時將player_id所有salaries都放入一行,因為現在它們存儲在自己的行中。 我的問題如下:除salary外,我如何在此選擇語句中再增加一列? 除了salary欄外,我還希望對position欄進行相同的操作。 我不確定是否可以將其混入現有的案例陳述中,或者是否必須為每個玩家添加三個以上的案例陳述。 如果我不將其與salary結合起來,它可能看起來像:

SELECT max(case when site_id = 1 then position end) fd_position, ...


盡管看起來很像,但case是一個標量函數 ,其計算結果為單個標量值。 我自己,因為我討厭重復輸入,所以我會做這樣的事情:

select t.player_id ,
       max( case t.site_id when 1 then t.salary   else 0 end ) as fd_salary   ,
       max( case t.site_id when 1 then t.position else 0 end ) as fd_position ,
       max( case t.site_id when 2 then t.salary   else 0 end ) as dd_salary   ,
       max( case t.site_id when 2 then t.position else 0 end ) as dd_position ,
       max( case t.site_id when 3 then t.salary   else 0 end ) as ss_salary   ,
       max( case t.site_id when 3 then t.position else 0 end ) as ss_position
from ( select player_id ,
              site_id   ,
              gamedate  ,
              cast(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(salary,'$',''),' ',''), ',', '') as UNSIGNED) as salary ,
              cast(position as UNSIGNED) as position
       from mytable
     ) t
where t.gamedate = '2014-07-01'
  and t.side_id between 1 and 3
group by t.player_id


max(case when site_id = 1 then cast(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(salary, '$',''),' ',''), ',', '') as UNSIGNED) end) fd_salary,
max(case when site_id = 2 then cast(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(salary, '$',''),' ',''), ',', '') as UNSIGNED) end) dd_salary,
max(case when site_id = 3 then cast(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(salary, '$',''),' ',''), ',', '') as UNSIGNED) end) ss_salary,
max(case when site_id = 1 then position end) fd_position,
max(case when site_id = 2 then position end) dd_position,
max(case when site_id = 3 then position end) ss_position
from ....


答: SELECT列表中返回的每一列都是一個單獨的表達式。





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