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[英]How to workaround jbehave bug when combining meta parameters and example table

我正在使用由0.9.229 thucydides-jbehave原型制作的項目。 這里有一些jbehave的故事:

Some text

@registrator1 666-126
@registrator2 666-127
@reg1 666126
@reg1 666127
@zone1 666-126-666-127

Scenario: A
Given the user is logged to zonemanager as 'admin' with password 'admin'

Scenario: B
Then user creates new registrator <registrator1> with IP <ip>
Then user creates new registrator <registrator2> with IP <ip>

Scenario: C
Then user creates new bunch with 'Тестовый участок'
And user creates new zone with 'Тестовая зона','Встречное', '60'
And user selects <registrator1> for first new point 'Тестовая 666126' with latitude '55.730229', longitude '48.921177'
And user selects <registrator2> for second new point 'Тестовая 666127' with latitude '55.710411', longitude '48.896223'
And user completes the zone creation

Scenario: D
Given the user is logged to adminconsole as 'admin' with password 'password'
And the user switches to zones
Then the user adds <registrator1> into adminconsole with region 'Татарстан', code <zone1>, location <zone1>, location code <zone1>
And the user switches to services
And the user adds service for <registrator1>
And the user exits adminconsole

Scenario: E
Given the ftp server is started

Scenario: F
Given the folder structure is created for <reg1>
And the folder structure is created for <reg2>
And the first registrator has number <reg1> name <registrator1> latitude '55.730229', longitude '48.921177' height '79.099998' deltafix '10' type 'TEXT' version '4.0'
And the second registrator has number <reg2> name <registrator2> latitude '55.710411', longitude '48.896223' height '79.090098' deltafix '10' type 'TEXT' version '4.0'
When the first registered number is <number> priority zone '1' lane number '1' lane type '2'  movement direction '1' light '1' valid time '1'
And car goes <speed> km/h from latitude '55.730229', longitude '48.921177' to latitude '55.710411', longitude '48.896223'
And the second registered number is <number> priority zone '1' lane number '1' lane type '2'  movement direction '1' light '1' valid time '1'
And the ftp server has sent packet for user <reg1>
And the ftp server has sent packet for user <reg2>
Then the search result brings us 'Х563ХВ' with fuzzy equals '0'
Given the '' service consumer is logged as 'oper602' with password 'oper602'
And the marker value is taken from temprorary file
Then the received cars are <number> with speed <speed>
And the marker value is stored to temprorary file

|Е642РВ 116 RUS|182.0|
|С899КС 121 RUS|179.0|
|Е190АМ 21 RUS|176.0|
|Е190АМ 22 RUS|177.0|
|У183ХЕ 12 RUS|181.0|
|В958РС 02 RUS|177.0|
|Е190АМ 21 RUS|177.0|

當Example表與meta共存時,在步驟F中發生了錯誤的事情。 正如調試器所揭示的那樣,這些值傳遞給了

And the first registrator has number <reg1> name <registrator1> latitude '55.730229', longitude '48.921177' height '79.099998' deltafix '10' type 'TEXT' version '4.0'

<reg1>中的實際上不是Meta中的@ reg1值,而是...示例的'number'值。 並且傳遞的值而不是<registrator1>實際上是經度值不清楚的。 因此,問題是如何在相同的故事和相同的場景中正確地將Meta與Example結合起來?



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