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[英]Differences between DartEditor and Dart plugin for Eclipse

我使用DartEditor開發了一個飛鏢/聚合物項目。 由於DartEditor不支持Git,因此我移至Eclipse並安裝了Dart插件。 現在突然出現新錯誤,我沒有進入Dart編輯器,我想知道會有什么不同。 Dart-SDK和Dartium版本完全相同。 我將相應的文件夾從DartEditor復制到Eclipse文件夾。



Loading polymer transformers...
Serving mastermind web on http://localhost:8080
[Warning from polymer (Linter) on mastermind|web/mm-color-button.html]:
line 2, column 1 of web/mm-color-button.html: Missing definition for <polymer-element>, please add the following HTML import at the top of this file: <link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer.html">.
[Warning from polymer (Linter) on mastermind|web/mm-game.html]:
line 2, column 1 of web/mm-game.html: Missing definition for <polymer-element>, please add the following HTML import at the top of this file: <link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer.html">.
[Error from polymer (Linter) on mastermind|web/mm-game.html]:
line 3, column 1 of web/mm-game.html: Polymer.dart's implementation of HTML imports are not supported within polymer element definitions, yet. Please move the import out of this <polymer-element>.
Build error:
Transform ImportInliner on mastermind|web/mastermind.html threw error: Could not find asset mastermind|web/mm-game.html.

build failed with errors: {Transform polymer (Linter) on mastermind|web/mm-color-button-line.html threw error: Polymer.dart's implementation of HTML imports are not supported within polymer element definitions, yet. Please move the import out of this <polymer-element>., Transform polymer (Linter) on mastermind|web/mm-line.html threw error: Polymer.dart's implementation of HTML imports are not supported within polymer element definitions, yet. Please move the import out of this <polymer-element>., Transform polymer (Linter) on mastermind|web/mm-line.html threw error: Polymer.dart's implementation of HTML imports are not supported within polymer element definitions, yet. Please move the import out of this <polymer-element>., Transform polymer (Linter) on mastermind|web/mm-game.html threw error: Polymer.dart's implementation of HTML imports are not supported within polymer element definitions, yet. Please move the import out of this <polymer-element>.}

可能是因為聚合物版本不同。 在DartEditor中,我有0.9.5 + 2,在Eclipse中是0.11.0 + 5。 我以為pub get會自動將軟件包更新為最新版本(如果依賴於任何版本)。

聚合物發生了什么變化? 為什么現在這會出錯?



<link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer.html">

<!-- other element imports -->

<polymer-element name='some-name>
  <!-- no elements imports in here or below -->
    <!-- style imports are allowed here -->
  <script ...>

eclipse插件和dart編輯器之間沒有區別,但是聚合物包裝的不同版本之間沒有區別。 兩個版本之間有很多更改,我必須相應地修改代碼。


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