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[英]Bugs in Release not in Debug

我正在為路徑規划/避免沖突方法構建一個自頂向下的視圖演示。 Visual Studio 2010中的c ++。

當我以Debug模式運行時,一切都很好。 但是當我在Release中運行時,會發生瘋狂的行為。 以前,我的角色遇到其他角色時會極大地加快速度並改變方向,而現在卻消失了(可能移動到屏幕外的某個地方)。

搜索表明這通常是由於浮點運算引起的。 我刪除了所有浮點,並且對於調試和發行版,浮點模型已經在fp:precise上。 我不知道從這里去哪里...

我很確定這段代碼是錯誤的根源。 每個字符都可以在一個單元格中找到。 在像元邊緣上,存儲了字符的平均速度(像元-> vLeft等),並且此角色想將自己的速度與像元邊緣上存儲的速度進行平均。

void CharacterQueryStructure_Grid::computeActualVelocity(Character& character, double dt){

// find the cell for this character
const CellCoord& cellID = _posToCell2D(character.getPosition());
int x = cellID.first, y = cellID.second;
int layerID = character.getLayer();

if(x == -1 && y == -1){ // if the position is invalid, return no neighbours
    //return Point(NULL, NULL);
    character.setNewVelocity_EulerIntegration(character.getPreferredVelocity(), dt);

    //Interpolate between the four points to find the average velocity at that location
    UIC_cell* cell = uicGrids[layerID][_getCellID(x,y)];

    double distLeft = (character.getPosition().x - xMin) - cellSize * x;
    double distBot  = (character.getPosition().y - yMin) - cellSize * y;

    //First find the interpolated velocity at the location of your projection on the horizontal and vertical axes.
    Point vHor = cell->vLeft * ((cellSize - distLeft)/cellSize) + cell->vRight * (distLeft/cellSize);
    Point vVer = cell->vBot  * ((cellSize - distBot)/cellSize)  + cell->vTop * (distBot/cellSize);

    //Now interpolate these to your location
    double distHor = abs(distLeft - .5 * cellSize);
    double distVer = abs(distBot - .5 * cellSize);

    //Point vAverage = vHor * (distHor / (.5 * cellSize)) + vVer * (distVer / (.5 * cellSize));

    Point vAverage = (vHor + vVer) / 2;

    //Calculate the new velocity based on your own preferred velocity, the average velocity and the density in your cell.
    Point newVelo = character.getPreferredVelocity() + (cell->density / maxDensity) * (vAverage - character.getPreferredVelocity());

    // set it, while adhering smoothness constraints



編輯:這是_posToCell2D ...

CellCoord CharacterQueryStructure_Grid::_posToCell2D(const Point& pos) const
    int x = (int)floor((pos.x - xMin) / cellSize);
    int y = (int)floor((pos.y - yMin) / cellSize);

    // if this coordinate lies outside the grid: return nothing
    if(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= xNrCells || y >= yNrCells)
        return CellCoord(-1,-1);

    // otherwise, return the correct cell ID
    return CellCoord(x,y);

切換時的一個常見故障是未初始化變量的行為。 您是否曾經將所有uicGrids [] []都設置為某個初始值?




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