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[英]Have Emacs to automatically latex your Rnw file after knitting

我想在編織.Rnw文件后啟動一個LaTeX。 元代碼應該是這樣的:

(defun knit ()
  (setq rproc (ess-get-process ess-current-process-name))
  (setq c "knit('foo.rnw')\n")
  (process-send-string rproc c)
  ;; Wait for ESS to finish 
  (shell-command-to-string   "cd foo/path & pdflatex foo"))

主要問題是讓Emacs等待劣質緩沖區完成編織,並且只有在開始膠乳之后。 我找到了幾個有趣的功能:( (ess-wait-for-process ...) (低級標志 - 忙碌...)`,這可能有用,但我無法理解如何。

請注意(shell-command-to-string ...僅用於說明。最終選擇可能是:

(TeX-command "LaTeX" 'rnw-to-tex-ext -1))



我使用texi2pdf並且在編織后讓R做它,但這顯然相當於knit2pdf 我想知道你是否可以使用systemknit命令之后調用你想要的任何tex命令,類似於我如何使用texi2pdf


; use knitr (was Sweave) script as compile function for Rnw files
(defun ess-swv-SweaveSh ()
  "Use knitr script to knit an Rnw file and create a pdf."
    ((compilation-buffer-name-function (function (lambda(ign)(concat "*" (buffer-file-name) "*")))))
    (compile  (concat "Rscript -e \".n <- '" (buffer-file-name) "'; library(knitr); knit(.n); library(tools); texi2pdf(sub('Rnw$','tex',.n))\"" ))

一種可能的解決方案是檢查劣質ESS過程'busy屬性。 while循環等待它為nil塊命令echo。 這就是你看到(redisplay) 為了避免給親愛的人施加壓力,我還設置了一個刷新延遲(sleep-for .5)
為了防止ESS卡住,60秒后循環存在。 如果您有重量級密碼,請調整它。

最后,我將膠乳附加到AUCTeX。 因此,您可以借助TeX-expand-list文檔自定義LaTeX-command-style

該函數自動為knit和latex設置文件的正確名稱,並將R working dir設置為要編織的.Rnw文件,以便您可以獲取其他腳本或加載數據。
因此,您可以使用Mx knit在任何地方運行它,或者可以將其與快捷方式相關聯。 該函數在編織前保存緩沖區的最后一次更改,如果沒有可用的話,打開一個劣質的R緩沖區; 否則它使用現有的。

(defun knit ()
  "Save the buffer, knit and latex"
  (interactive) ; You will associate this to you favourite key

  (let* (
    ;; Get names & path
        (cur-dir (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)))
    (rnw-name (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)))
    (tex-name (concat (file-name-base (buffer-file-name)) ".tex"))

    ;; Create knit command
    (cmd (format "require(knitr); setwd('%s'); knit('%s')"  cur-dir rnw-name))

    ;; Time the knitting  
    (start-time (float-time))
    (wait  60)   ; Lifeboat to exit loop if smt wrong

    ;; Save rnw buffer... you are lazy, I know)

    ;; Send string to R at low-level 
    ;;(setq rproc (ess-get-process ess-current-process-name))
    ;;(process-send-string rproc c)

    ;; or Send line with the ESS wrapper 
    (ess-eval-linewise cmd)

    ;; While loop to check when 
    (setq start-time (float-time)
      wait  60) ; Lifeboat to exit loop after x secs 

    ;; Wait for 'busy property nil, nut not more than wait seconds
    (setq rproc (ess-get-process ess-current-process-name))
    (while  (< (- (float-time) start-time) wait)
      (sleep-for .5)
      ;; (accept-process-output rproc .5) ;alt. way for  process-send-string
      (if (not (process-get rproc  'busy)) 
      (setq wait 0)
    (message "Knitting... ")))
    (message "Knitting finished, starting latexing")

    ;; Set LaTeX your fav options. See TeX-expand-list for % pars 
    (setq LaTeX-command-style '(("" "%(PDF)%(latex) -file-line-error %S%(PDFout)")))
    ;; TeX-command requires a 'file function (anonymous here) returning the filename.
    ;; TeX-command/TeX-expand-list say 'file has one opt arg: extension.
    ;; Actually they are 2, despite the second seems always passed true.
    (TeX-command "LaTeX"  (lambda (&optional ext dummy) tex-name))))


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