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[英]Passing variables between multiple functions in jQuery?


var my_important_var_x = 'init'; // my global variable for storing one very important piece of info. [screen size/resolution]

function checkmyresolutin() {
   // this tests the broswer/window resolution and print to the body [for css purposes]
  var resolution_is = '768px';
  my_important_var_x = resolution_is; // now the var contains the resolution

  return my_important_Var_X;

checkmyresolutin(); // for getting the resolutoin on document ready.

   checkmyresolutin();  // this is the important part,every time the browser is resized i need to know ,certain function load/unload on certain resolutions.

function_abc(); // this is my problem,ill explain bellow,to keep this code block clean.

因此,在調整瀏覽器大小並返回分辨率/屏幕大小並存儲在my_important_var_x變量中后,調用checkmyresolutin()之后,我需要將最新信息從該變量傳遞給function_abc(); my_important_var_x 功能...有人嗎?


伙計們,有錯別字,但忽略了它們,我沒有復制粘貼我的.js,因為這最多需要400行,這只是一個例子 ,“邏輯”在這里很重要。

我只是需要以某種方式傳遞的內容enter code herefunction_abc()checkmyresolutin()已被jQuery的運行resize function()


var my_important_var_x = 'init'; // my global variable for storing one very important piece of info. [screen size/resolution]


var my_important_Var_X = 'init'; // my global variable for storing one very important piece of info. [screen size/resolution]

看到此JSFiddle ,並顯示令人討厭的警報,以顯示其工作正常。

我還制作了一個不同的版本 ,其中function_abc()在調整大小時自動調用,只是為了說明其工作原理。

查看有關 Java語言中變量范圍的討論


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