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[英]How can I access the public methods on a module from a private?

我有這個非常煩人的問題。 我需要能夠從私有模塊模式中訪問公共模塊功能。 我在有問題的線路上寫了一條評論...有什么辦法可以做到這一點?

angular.module("myApp").factory('models', [function () {

    function itemModel(dtoItem) {

        this.type = dtoItem.type;


    function groupModel(dto) {

        this.items = [];

        angular.forEach(dto.getFeatures(), function (item) {
            self.items.push(new itemModel(item)); //THIS NEEDS TO BE self.items.push(new ItemModel(item)); (Notice the use of the capital letter to denote a public function) so that I can run a test externally and check the type of the 'items'


    return {
        ItemModel: itemModel,
        GroupModel: groupModel


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