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[英]Retrieving multiple data-attributes and setting as text of a child element




我有一個table ,每個tr “桶”包含特定數量的三種形狀(球體,立方體,金字塔),它們存儲在data-attribute 我的每個形狀都有一個帶有相應liul 檢查形狀時,突出顯示該形狀超過0的tr s。 但是,我也試圖檢索每個選定形狀的數字,並在每個trtd.contents元素中顯示它(即“金字塔:300,立方體:50”),這是我一直沒有成功的。

這是HTML -

    <li data-shape="spheres">spheres</li>
    <li data-shape="cubes">cubes</li>
    <li data-shape="pyramids">pyramids</li>

    <tr data-spheres="380" data-cubes="0" data-pyramids="200"><td>bucket 1</td><td class="contents">no shapes selected</td></tr>
    <tr data-spheres="0" data-cubes="90" data-pyramids="0"><td>bucket 2</td><td class="contents">no shapes selected</td></tr>
    <tr data-spheres="100" data-cubes="20" data-pyramids="400"><td>bucket 3</td><td class="contents">no shapes selected</td></tr>
    <tr data-spheres="500" data-cubes="110" data-pyramids="0"><td>bucket 4</td><td class="contents">no shapes selected</td></tr>

和JS(第22行是我遇到麻煩的地方) -

(function() {
//store tr elements
var buckets = $('tr');

  $('li').click(function () {
    //toggle checked class OK
    //reset classes and .contents text OK
    $('td.contents').text('no shapes selected');
    //map the shape data attribute for all li elements 
    //with class '.checked' OK
    var checkedShapes = $('.checked').map(function() {
        return $(this).data('shape');
    //for each checked shape, filter tr elements with 
    //more than 0 of that shape OK 
    $.each(checkedShapes, function( index, value ) {
      var filteredBuckets = $(buckets).filter(function() {
        return $(this).data(value) > "0";
      //add .active class to those tr elements OK
      //get number of checked shapes (i.e. "pyramids: 300, cubes: 50") 
      //and display in td.contents DOESN'T WORK
      $('tr.active td.contents').text($(this).parent('tr').data(value));


和一個jsFiddle: http//jsfiddle.net/a8gtrn63/33/

根據我在.data()的文檔中的理解,這應該是檢索選定的數據屬性,但事實並非如此。 我認為value參考可能存在問題,但我很難看到它。 任何輸入都非常感謝。

$(this)指的是$ .each循環,而不是文本,所以我通過遍歷元素修復它然后使用$(this):

(function() {
//store tr elements
var buckets = $('tr');

  $('li').click(function () {
    //toggle checked class OK
    //reset classes and .contents text OK
    $('td.contents').text('no shapes selected');
    //map the shape data attribute for all li elements 
    //with class '.checked' OK
    var checkedShapes = $('.checked').map(function() {
        return $(this).data('shape');
    //for each checked shape, filter tr elements with 
    //more than 0 of that shape OK 
    $.each(checkedShapes, function( index, value ) {
      var filteredBuckets = $(buckets).filter(function() {
        return $(this).data(value) > "0";
      //add .active class to those tr elements OK
      //get number of checked shapes (i.e. "pyramids: 300, cubes: 50") 
      //and display in td.contents DOESN'T WORK
      $('tr.active td.contents').each(function(){



(function() {
//store tr data-attributes
var buckets = $('tr');

  $('li').click(function () {
    //toggle checked class
    //reset classes and .contents text
    $('td.contents').text('no shapes selected');
    //map the shape data attribute for all li elements with class '.checked'
    var checkedShapes = $('.checked').map(function() {
        return $(this).data('shape');
    //for each checked shape, filter tr elements with more than 0 of that shape
    $.each(checkedShapes, function( index, value ) {
      var filteredBuckets = $(buckets).filter(function() {
        return $(this).data(value) > "0";
      //add .active class to those tr elements
      //get number of checked shapes and display in td.contents
      //$('tr.active td.contents').text($(this).parent('tr').data(value));
        $(filteredBuckets).each(function() {
            var currentText = $($(this).find("td")[1]).text();
            if (currentText.indexOf(":") === -1) {
                $($(this).find("td")[1]).text(value + ": " + $(this).data(value));
            } else {
                $($(this).find("td")[1]).text($($(this).find("td")[1]).text() + ", " + value + ": " + $(this).data(value));            }


說明:您需要迭代filteredBuckets並為每個元素設置所需的文本。 如果它已經有一些形狀數據,那么我們附加新的形狀數據,如果沒有以前的形狀數據,那么我們將舊文本替換為新的形狀數據。


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