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json2html - 創建 HTML 表格

[英]json2html - Create HTML table

我試圖找到好的 JS 插件來幫助我生成 HTML <table />結構並用JSON數據填充它。

我找到了json2html ,但不幸的是,我在插件的官方網站上沒有看到任何有用的示例或文檔,也沒有我可以查看的任何 3rd 方網站。

我創建了一個function() ,它將為我生成一些隨機數據,我將在此演示示例中使用。 將 JSON 模板存儲在我將用於json2html 的變量中,並創建了一個帶有 ID 的<div /> ,該 ID 將用於使用此插件解析 JSON 生成的數據。

// Demo function to generate random content
// ->
function generateChartData() {
 for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    var file_id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 90000) + 10000,
        file_name = 'Dummy File ' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 30 + '.zip',
        file_clicks = Math.round(Math.random() * 480) + 820,
        file_downloads = Math.round(Math.random() * 160) + 420,
        file_conversion = (file_clicks / file_downloads).toFixed(2),
        file_profit = Math.round(Math.random() * 120) + 310,
        file_cpa = (file_profit / file_downloads).toFixed(2),
        file_epc = (file_profit / file_clicks).toFixed(2);

      file_id: file_id,
      file_name: file_name,
      file_clicks: file_clicks,
      file_downloads: file_downloads,
      file_conversion: file_conversion,
      file_cpa: file_cpa,
      file_epc: file_epc,
      file_profit: file_profit

  // create variables but no values
  var total_clicks, total_downloads, total_conversion, total_profit, total_cpa, total_epc;
// <-

// Create html template for further json parsing
var template = {
  "tag": "table",
  "class": "table table-striped table-hover",
  "children": [
      "tag": "thead",
      "id": "json-head",
      "children": [
          "tag": "tr",
          "children": [
              "tag": "th",
              "html": "ID"
              "tag": "th",
              "html": "File Name"
              "tag": "th",
              "html": "Clicks"
              "tag": "th",
              "html": "Downloads"
              "tag": "th",
              "html": "Conversion"
              "tag": "th",
              "html": "Average CPA"
              "tag": "th",
              "html": "EPC"
              "tag": "th",
              "html": "Profit"
      "tag": "tbody",
      "id": "json-body",
      "children": [
          "tag": "tr",
          "children": [
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${file_id}"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${file_name}"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${file_clicks}"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${file_downloads}"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${file_conversion}"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${file_cpa}"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${file_epc}"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${file_profit}"
      "tag": "tfoot",
      "id": "json-foot",
      "children": [
          "tag": "tr",
          "children": [
              "tag": "td",
              "colspan": "2",
              "html": "Total / Average"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${total_clicks}"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${total_downloads}"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${total_conversion}"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${total_cpa}"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${total_epc}"
              "tag": "td",
              "html": "${total_profit}"

// Empty array for json data
var chartData = [];

// Calling DEMO function to generate json data

// Parse json data and generate html
$("#json-parse").json2html(chartData, template);

但是,您可能會注意到我的JSON模板或json2html調用有問題。 它創建無效表並為每個 JSON 數據解析生成表。 所以不幸的是,這不是我想要的。

我的想法是創建以下模板並將所需信息解析為<tbody /> & <tfoot />但不要重新創建它們。

<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
<thead id="json-head">
        <th>File Name</th>
        <th>Average CPA</th>

<tbody id="json-body">

<tfoot id="json-foot">
        <td colspan="2">Total / Average</td>

不幸的是,我無法提供 JSFiddle,因為我找不到任何 CDN。 但這里的屏幕截圖將向您展示不想要的結果是什么樣子。

json2html - 糟糕的結果

我知道這是我的 JSON 結構或我沒有正確設置的插件調用,但如果你不介意在這里幫助我。 這確實令人頭疼,但也可能對其他用戶有所幫助。

json2Html正在循環內生成模板,該循環的計數器等於您的 json 對象計數。 所以你看到的結果沒有錯。 如果您不想重復頁眉和頁腳,只需將它們用作具有對象數組的另一個模板。

// Create html template for further json parsing
        var headertemplate = {
            "tag": "thead",
              "id": "json-head",
              "children": [
                  "tag": "tr",
                  "children": [
                      "tag": "th",
                      "html": "ID"
                      "tag": "th",
                      "html": "File Name"
                      "tag": "th",
                      "html": "Clicks"
                      "tag": "th",
                      "html": "Downloads"
                      "tag": "th",
                      "html": "Conversion"
                      "tag": "th",
                      "html": "Average CPA"
                      "tag": "th",
                      "html": "EPC"
                      "tag": "th",
                      "html": "Profit"
        var footertemplate = { 
              "tag": "tfoot",
              "id": "json-foot",
              "children": [
                  "tag": "tr",
                  "children": [
                      "tag": "td",
                      "colspan": "2",
                      "html": "Total / Average"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${total_clicks}"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${total_downloads}"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${total_conversion}"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${total_cpa}"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${total_epc}"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${total_profit}"
        var template = {
          "tag": "table",
          "class": "table table-striped table-hover",
          "children": [ 
              "tag": "tbody",
              "id": "json-body",
              "children": [
                  "tag": "tr",
                  "children": [
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${file_id}"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${file_name}"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${file_clicks}"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${file_downloads}"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${file_conversion}"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${file_cpa}"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${file_epc}"
                      "tag": "td",
                      "html": "${file_profit}"

    // Empty array for json data
    var chartData = [];

    // Calling DEMO function to generate json data
    // Parse json data and generate html
    $("#json-parse").json2html(chartData[0], headertemplate);
    $("#json-parse").json2html(chartData, template);
    $("#json-parse").json2html(chartData[0], footertemplate); //use your total json object with one array inside, instead chartData[0];


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