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[英]Expand parameter packs with different lengths

我想'生成'函數指針的跳轉表。 指向的函數有兩種類型的模板。 應該為兩個類型列表中的每個可能的對實例化一個不同的函數。 理想情況下,我們可以有類似的東西:

#include <tuple>

template <typename X, typename Y>
void foo()

template <typename... Xs, typename... Ys>
void bar(const std::tuple<Xs...>&, const std::tuple<Ys...>&)
  using fun_ptr_type = void (*) (void);
  static constexpr fun_ptr_type jump_table[sizeof...(Xs) * sizeof...(Ys)]
    = {&foo<Xs, Ys>...};

int main ()
  using tuple0 = std::tuple<int, char, double>;
  using tuple1 = std::tuple<float, unsigned long>;

  bar(tuple0{}, tuple1{});


foo.cc:15:20: error: pack expansion contains parameter packs 'Xs' and 'Ys' that have different lengths (3 vs. 2)
    = {&foo<Xs, Ys>...};
            ~~  ~~ ^
foo.cc:23:3: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'bar<int, char, double, float, unsigned long>' requested here
  bar(tuple0{}, tuple1{});
1 error generated.

為了實現這種功能,我已經嘗試並成功了一個間接 (第一個跳轉表,其中包含指向另一個跳轉表的函數的指針),但我發現它很笨拙。


您的示例代碼是錯誤的,即使它編譯的情況(即sizeof ...(Xs)== sizeof ...(Ys))。 比方說,你有N元元組,然后jump_table有N * N個元素,但只有前N個元素用函數ptrs初始化。


template<class A, class B>
struct P;

template<class... Ts>
struct L {};

template<class T, class... Ts>
using mul = L<P<T, Ts>...>;

struct cat;

template<class T>
struct cat<T>
    using type = T;

template<class... As, class... Bs>
struct cat<L<As...>, L<Bs...>>
    using type = L<As..., Bs...>;

template<class A, class B, class... Ts>
struct cat<A, B, Ts...>
    using type = typename cat<typename cat<A, B>::type, Ts...>::type;

template<class A, class B>
struct join;

template<class... As, class... Bs>
struct join<L<As...>, L<Bs...>>
    using type = typename cat<mul<As, Bs...>...>::type;


join<L<int[1], int[2]>, L<float[1], float[2], float[3]>>::type


L<P<int[1], float[1]>, P<int[1], float[2]>, P<int[1], float[3]>, P<int[2], float[1]>, P<int[2], float[2]>, P<int[2], float[3]>


template <typename X, typename Y>
void foo()

template<class T, std::size_t N>
struct jump_table
    template<class... As, class... Bs>
    constexpr jump_table(L<P<As, Bs>...>)
      : table{&foo<As, Bs>...}

    T table[N];

template <typename... Xs, typename... Ys>
void bar(const std::tuple<Xs...>&, const std::tuple<Ys...>&)
  using fun_ptr_type = void (*) (void);
  static constexpr jump_table<fun_ptr_type, sizeof...(Xs) * sizeof...(Ys)> table
    = {typename join<L<Xs...>, L<Ys...>>::type()};

int main ()
  using tuple0 = std::tuple<int, char, double>;
  using tuple1 = std::tuple<float, unsigned long>;

  bar(tuple0{}, tuple1{});


這里的其他答案對於手頭的問題來說似乎太復雜了。 這是我如何做到的:

#include <array>
#include <tuple>

template <typename X, typename Y> void foo() {}

using fun_ptr_type = void (*) (void);

// Build one level of the table.
template <typename X, typename ...Ys>
constexpr std::array<fun_ptr_type, sizeof...(Ys)>
  jump_table_inner = {{&foo<X, Ys>...}};

// Type doesn't matter, we're just declaring a primary template that we're
// about to partially specialize.
template <typename X, typename Y> void *jump_table;

// Build the complete table.
template <typename ...Xs, typename ...Ys>
constexpr std::array<std::array<fun_ptr_type, sizeof...(Ys)>, sizeof...(Xs)>
  jump_table<std::tuple<Xs...>, std::tuple<Ys...>> = {jump_table_inner<Xs, Ys...>...};

int main () {
  using tuple0 = std::tuple<int, char, double>;
  using tuple1 = std::tuple<float, unsigned long>;

  // Call function for (int, float).
  jump_table<tuple0, tuple1>[0][0]();

Clang 3.5在C ++ 14模式下接受了這一點。

我對產品擴展context( f<Xs, Ys>... ) /* not what we want */正常解決方案context( f<Xs, Ys>... ) /* not what we want */是將其重寫為context2( g<Xs, Ys...>... ) 意味着g負責相對於某些X擴展Ys ,並且最終擴展對所有Xs執行g 這種重寫的結果是我們引入了額外的嵌套,因此引入了不同的上下文。

在我們的例子中,我們將有一個函數指針數組,而不是一個平面的函數指針數組。 您嘗試的解決方案不同 ,盡管這些實際上是我們關心的&foo<X, Y>函數指針 - 並且展平是直截了當的。

#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#include <array>

template<typename X, typename Y>
void foo() {}

using foo_type = void(*)();

template<typename... T>
struct list {
    static constexpr auto size = sizeof...(T);

template<typename X, typename Y, typename Indices = std::make_index_sequence<X::size * Y::size>>
struct dispatch;

    template<typename...> class XList, typename... Xs
    , template<typename...> class YList, typename... Ys
    , std::size_t... Indices
struct dispatch<XList<Xs...>, YList<Ys...>, std::index_sequence<Indices...>> {
    static constexpr auto stride = sizeof...(Ys);
    using inner_type = std::array<foo_type, stride>;
    using multi_type = inner_type[sizeof...(Xs)];

    template<typename X, typename... Yss>
    static constexpr inner_type inner()
    { return {{ &foo<X, Yss>... }}; }

    static constexpr multi_type multi_value = {
        inner<Xs, Ys...>()...

    static constexpr auto size = sizeof...(Xs) * sizeof...(Ys);
    static constexpr foo_type value[size] = {
        multi_value[Indices / stride][Indices % stride]...

    template<typename...> class XList, typename... Xs
    , template<typename...> class YList, typename... Ys
    , std::size_t... Indices
constexpr foo_type dispatch<XList<Xs...>, YList<Ys...>, std::index_sequence<Indices...>>::value[size];

int main()
    using dispatch_t = dispatch<
            list<int,   char, double>,
            list<float, unsigned long>

    constexpr auto&& table = dispatch_t::value;

    static_assert( dispatch_t::size == 6, "" );
    static_assert( table[0] == &foo<int,    float>, "" );
    static_assert( table[1] == &foo<int,    unsigned long>, "" );
    static_assert( table[2] == &foo<char,   float>, "" );
    static_assert( table[3] == &foo<char,   unsigned long>, "" );
    static_assert( table[4] == &foo<double, float>, "" );
    static_assert( table[5] == &foo<double, unsigned long>, "" );


你所擁有的實際上更像是兩個列表( <X1,Y1><X2,Y2> ,...)的“zip”,當列表具有不同的長度時它們不起作用。

要計算兩者的“產品”,我認為你必須使用輔助類才能使它工作。 看到像你這樣的另一個問題: 如何創建類型列表的笛卡爾積?


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