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[英]Extracting EXIF Data Using PHP

我正在為需要照片庫的客戶建立一個網站,我打算使用文件名作為alt標簽,但他希望我使用他放在EXIF數據中的關鍵字 - 因為我不是攝影師我真的不明白這方面的技術方面,但是,到目前為止我有一個腳本工作來獲取文件名,我希望它只需更改幾行代碼就可以得到EXIF而不是Filename。 這是我的代碼:

//The directory to your images folder, with trailing slash
$dir = "cms/gallery/photo/";

//Set the extensions you want to load, seperate by a comma.
$extensions = "jpeg,jpg";

//Set the number of images you want to display per page
$imagesPerPage = 3;

//Set the $page variable
    $page = 1;
    $page = $_GET['page'];

//Load all images into an array
$images = glob($dir."*.{".$extensions."}", GLOB_BRACE);

//Count the number of images
$totalImages = count($images);

//Get the total pages
$totalPages = ceil($totalImages / $imagesPerPage);

//Make sure the page you are on is not greater then the total pages available.
if($page > $totalPages){
    //Set the currnet page to the total pages.
    $page = $totalPages;

//Now find where to start the loading from
$from = ($page * $imagesPerPage) - $imagesPerPage;

//Now start looping
for($i = $from; $i < ($from + $imagesPerPage); $i++){
    //We need to make sure that its within the range of totalImages.
    if($i < $totalImages){
        $filename = explode('.', basename($images[$i])); // GET EXIF DESCRIPTION AS $FILENAME
        //Now we can display the image!
        echo "

            <div class='galleryCellHolder'>
                <div class='galleryCell'>
                    <a class='fancybox' rel='group' href='{$images[$i]}'><img class='galleryPhoto' src='{$images[$i]}' alt='" . $filename[0] . "'></a>


//Now to display the page numbers!
for($p = 1; $p <= $totalPages; $p++){
    if($p == $page){
        $tmp_pages[] = "<a class='noPagination'>{$p}</a>";
        $tmp_pages[] = "<a class='pagination' href='?page={$p}'>{$p}</a>";
<div class="clearLeft"></div>
<div id="pagination">

    //Now display pages, seperated by a hyphon.
    echo "<br />" . implode("", $tmp_pages);



$filedata = exif_read_data($images[$i]);
if(is_array($filedata) && isset($filedata['ImageDescription'])){
    $filename = $filedata['ImageDescription'];
} else{
    $filename = explode('.', basename($images[$i]));
    $filename = $filename[0];

如果FileName不在exif數據中, $filename將包含路徑中的文件名。

正確的名稱可能與$filedata['ImageDescription'] 它也可能在例如$filedata['FileName']$filedata['Title'] 只是看看自己哪個有效


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