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[英]How do i copy files with shutil in python

我試圖將.txt文件從一個目標復制到另一個。 此代碼正在運行,但文件未復制。 我究竟做錯了什么?

import shutil
import os
src = "/c:/users/mick/temp"
src2 = "c:/users/mick"
dst = "/c:/users/mick/newfolder1/"

for files in src and src2:
    if files.endswith(".txt"):
        shutil.copy(files, dst)

您的for循環實際上並沒有搜索每個源文件。 另外,您的for循環不會遍歷每個源,而是遍歷兩個源中的srcsrc2中的字母。 此項調整應能滿足您的需求。

import os
src = ["c:/users/mick/temp", "c:/users/mick"]
dst = "c:/users/mick/newfolder1/"

for source in src:
    for src_file in os.listdir(source):
        if src_file.endswith(".txt"):
            old_path = os.path.join(source, src_file)
            new_path = os.path.join(dst, src_file)
            os.rename(old_path, new_path)

對於這種情況,您不需要關閉,因為它只是功能更強大的os.rename ,它嘗試更好地處理不同的場景(據我所知)。 然而,如果“newfolder1”是不是已經existant比你將要替換os.rename()os.renames()作為這個嘗試創建其間的目錄。


os.rename(oldpath, newpath)

我知道這個問題有點老了。 但是,這是完成任務的簡單方法。 您可以根據需要更改文件擴展名。 對於復制,您可以使用copy();對於移動,您可以將其更改為move()。 希望這可以幫助。

#To import the modules
import os
import shutil

#File path list atleast source & destination folders must be present not everything.
#Make sure these folders names are already created while using the 'move() / copy()'*
filePath1 = 'C:\\Users\\manimani\\Downloads'        #Downloads folder
filePath2 = 'F:\\Projects\\Python\\Examples1'       #Downloads folder
filePath3 = 'C:\\Users\\manimani\\python'           #Python program files folder
filePath4 = 'F:\\Backup'                            #Backup folder
filePath5 = 'F:\\PDF_Downloads'                     #PDF files folder
filePath6 = 'C:\\Users\\manimani\\Videos'           #Videos folder
filePath7 = 'F:\\WordFile_Downloads'                #WordFiles folder
filePath8 = 'F:\\ExeFiles_Downloads'                #ExeFiles folder
filePath9 = 'F:\\Image_Downloads'                   #JPEG_Files folder

#To change the directory from where the files to look // ***Source Directory***

#To get the list of files in the specific source directory
myFiles = os.listdir()

#To move all the '.docx' files to a different location // ***Destination Directory***
for filename in myFiles:
    if filename.endswith('.docx'):
        print('Moving the file : ' + filename)
        shutil.move(filename, filePath4) #Destination directory name

print('All the files are moved as directed. Thanks')
import os, shutil
src1 = "c:/users/mick/temp/"
src2 = "c:/users/mick/"
dist = "c:/users/mick/newfolder"
if not os.path.isdir(dist) : os.mkdir(dist)
for src in [src1, src2] :
    for f in os.listdir(src) :
        if f.endswith(".txt") :
            #print(src) # For testing purposes
            shutil.copy(src, dist)

我認為錯誤是您試圖將目錄復制為文件,但是卻忘記瀏覽目錄中的文件。 您只是在做shutil.copy("c:/users/mick/temp/", c:/users/mick/newfolder/")


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