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Wordpress + Constant Contact PHP SDK 包含路徑

[英]Wordpress + Constant Contact PHP SDK include path

我目前正在嘗試將 Constant Contact PHP sdk 實施到 wordpress 站點中。 詢問 SDK 的一部分,您必須包含一些核心 PHP 文件才能使電子郵件代碼正常工作。 如果沒有找到這些文件,頁面就會死掉,沒有 PHP 錯誤。 目前,我在網站主題的根目錄(/wp-content/themes/mytheme/src...)中有一個名為“src”的文件夾(它們的命名約定不是我的)。


// require the autoloader
require_once(TEMPLATEPATH . '/src/Ctct/autoload.php');

use Ctct\ConstantContact;
use Ctct\Components\Contacts\Contact;
use Ctct\Components\Contacts\ContactList;
use Ctct\Components\Contacts\EmailAddress;
use Ctct\Exceptions\CtctException;

// Enter your Constant Contact APIKEY and ACCESS_TOKEN
define("APIKEY", "XXXXXX");

$cc = new ConstantContact(APIKEY);

// attempt to fetch lists in the account, catching any exceptions and printing the errors to screen
try {
    $lists = $cc->getLists(ACCESS_TOKEN);
} catch (CtctException $ex) {
    foreach ($ex->getErrors() as $error) {

// check if the form was submitted
if (isset($_POST['email']) && strlen($_POST['email']) > 1) {
    $action = "Getting Contact By Email Address";
    try {
        // check to see if a contact with the email addess already exists in the account
        $response = $cc->getContactByEmail(ACCESS_TOKEN, $_POST['email']);

        // create a new contact if one does not exist
        if (empty($response->results)) {
            $action = "Creating Contact";

            $contact = new Contact();
            $contact->first_name = $_POST['first_name'];
            $contact->last_name = $_POST['last_name'];

             * The third parameter of addContact defaults to false, but if this were set to true it would tell Constant
             * Contact that this action is being performed by the contact themselves, and gives the ability to
             * opt contacts back in and trigger Welcome/Change-of-interest emails.
             * See: http://developer.constantcontact.com/docs/contacts-api/contacts-index.html#opt_in
            $returnContact = $cc->addContact(ACCESS_TOKEN, $contact, false);

            // update the existing contact if address already existed
        } else {
            $action = "Updating Contact";

            $contact = $response->results[0];
            $contact->first_name = $_POST['first_name'];
            $contact->last_name = $_POST['last_name'];

             * The third parameter of updateContact defaults to false, but if this were set to true it would tell
             * Constant Contact that this action is being performed by the contact themselves, and gives the ability to
             * opt contacts back in and trigger Welcome/Change-of-interest emails.
             * See: http://developer.constantcontact.com/docs/contacts-api/contacts-index.html#opt_in
            $returnContact = $cc->updateContact(ACCESS_TOKEN, $contact, false);

        // catch any exceptions thrown during the process and print the errors to screen
    } catch (CtctException $ex) {
        echo '<span class="label label-important">Error ' . $action . '</span>';
        echo '<div class="container alert-error"><pre class="failure-pre">';
        echo '</pre></div>';

autoload.php 在它應該在http://www.thedaileymethod.com/_main_site/wp-content/themes/dailey-method/src/Ctct/autoload.php 的地方可用,這是我認為我在 PHP 文件中調用的,但頁面對我來說一直在打破。

我的 require_once 路徑不正確嗎?


當 for 代碼加載時,頁面 500 錯誤。 當我刪除表單代碼時,該錯誤消失並且頁面加載正常。 從 PHP 錯誤的角度來看,日志中沒有任何內容。


$cc = new ConstantContact(APIKEY);

$cc = new \Ctct\ConstantContact(APIKEY);


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