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[英]How to read single line from file in Erlang

我是Erlang和stackoverflow的新手。 我一直在搜索有關如何使用Erlang從.txt文件中讀取字符串的線程。 我還想使用string:tokens將其分成單詞,有人告訴我可以使用io:get_line來完成此操作,但是我必須做錯了什么。 這是我寫的代碼。 任何指導將不勝感激!


file(fName) ->
file:open(fName, [read]),
string:tokens(io:get_line(fName), ". ").

file(FName) ->  % a variable must start by an Upper case character, otherwise it is an atom
    {ok,IoDevice} = file:open(FName, [read]), % file:open/2 returns the tuple {ok,IoDevice} if it succeeds.
                                              % IoDevice is the file descriptor you will use for further accesses
    string:tokens(io:get_line(IoDevice,""), ". "). % you must use the file descriptor to read a new line, get_line
                                               % is expecting 2 arguments, the second one is a prompt, not used here
                                               % this code will split the first line of the file FName using
                                               % the dot and the white space as separators. It will then returns
                                               % the results letting the file open, but with the file descriptor
                                               % lost! so no chance to continue to read the lines like this.

您可以看看向您學習一些erlang ,這是學習Erlang的絕佳站點。


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