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[英]Apple rejected my app second time


- (BOOL)addSkipBackupAttributeToItemAtURL:(NSURL *)URL
    const char* filePath = [[URL path] fileSystemRepresentation];

    const char* attrName = "com.apple.MobileBackup";
    u_int8_t attrValue = 1;

    int result = setxattr(filePath, attrName, &attrValue, sizeof(attrValue), 0, 0);
    return result == 0;

-(void) copyDatabaseIfNeeded {

    //Using NSFileManager we can perform many file system operations.
    NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
    NSError *error;
    NSString *dbPath = [self getDBPath];
    BOOL success = [fileManager fileExistsAtPath:dbPath];

    if(!success) {
        NSString *defaultDBPath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:databaseName];
        success = [fileManager copyItemAtPath:defaultDBPath toPath:dbPath error:&error];

        [self addSkipBackupAttributeToItemAtURL:[NSURL URLWithString:dbPath]];

        if (!success)
            NSAssert1(0, @"Failed to create writable database file with message '%@'.", [error localizedDescription]);

    [self copyDatabaseIfNeeded];
    [self generateDB];


[self connectWithDB];


We found that your app does not follow the iOS Data Storage Guidelines, which is required per the App Store Review Guidelines.

In particular, we found that on launch and/or content download, your app stores 2.5 MB. To check how much data your app is storing:

Install and launch your app
Go to Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backup > Manage Storage
If necessary, tap "Show all apps"
Check your app's storage

您使用的是舊方法。 使用本文檔中描述的更新方法

- (BOOL)addSkipBackupAttributeToItemAtURL:(NSURL *)URL
    assert([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath: [URL path]]);

    NSError *error = nil;
    BOOL success = [URL setResourceValue: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES]
                              forKey: NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey error: &error];
        NSLog(@"Error excluding %@ from backup %@", [URL lastPathComponent], error);
    return success;


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